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topics for in-depth reading 16과 cup of poison 해석

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3페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


topics for in-depth reading 16과 cup of poison 해석 약간 미흡합니다




In its raucous heyday 80 years ago, Butte, Montana, was known as the richest hill on Earth. Its rocky soil yielded millions of tons of copper ore, used to make the wires that spread power and light and phones across the nation. then, 16 years ago, the giant strip mine was closed, and the pumps that kept it dry were turned off for good. Ever since, waters from the surrounding bedrock and from a maze of old mine tunnels and shafts have been rushing in and reacting with the ores to form a toxic soup that rises steadily, year after year, like water in a vast bathtub. It`s the Berkeley Pit, an oval lake of acidic mining residues so deep that it could swallow an 80-story skyscraper. Townsfolk celebrate this strange monument, which, deceptively green and picturesque, sparkles on postcards. The Chamber of Commerce runs a trolley to the viewing stand and gift shop that it operates high over the waters. But even as visitors stream in, authorities must take elaborate steps to scare away waterfowl with loudspeakers, firecrackers and a boat.

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topics for in-depth reading 16과 cup of poison 해석
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