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대학물리학 솔루션

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최종 저작일
34페이지/파일확장자 압축파일
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


대학물리학 솔루션입니다.^^
pdf형식 파일로 해설 아주 깔끔하게 되어있습니다.


5.1 The Concept of Force
5.2 Newton’s First Law and
Inertial Frames
5.3 Mass
5.4 Newton’s Second Law
5.5 The Gravitational Force
and Weight
5.6 Newton’s Third Law
5.7 Some Applications of
Newton’s Laws
5.8 Forces of Friction


Q5.1 (a) The force due to gravity of the earth pulling down on
the ball—the reaction force is the force due to gravity
of the ball pulling up on the earth. The force of the
hand pushing up on the ball—reaction force is ball
pushing down on the hand.
(b) The only force acting on the ball in free-fall is the
gravity due to the earth -the reaction force is the
gravity due to the ball pulling on the earth.
Q5.2 The resultant force is zero, as the acceleration is zero.
Q5.3 Mistake one: The car might be momentarily at rest, in the
process of (suddenly) reversing forward into backward motion.
In this case, the forces on it add to a (large) backward resultant.
Mistake two: There are no cars in interstellar space. If the car is remaining at rest, there are
some large forces on it, including its weight and some force or forces of support.
Mistake three: The statement reverses cause and effect, like a politician who thinks that his
getting elected was the reason for people to vote for him.
Q5.4 When the bus starts moving, the mass of Claudette is accelerated by the force of the back of the seat
on her body. Clark is standing, however, and the only force on him is the friction between his shoes
and the floor of the bus. Thus, when the bus starts moving, his feet start accelerating forward, but
the rest of his body experiences almost no accelerating force (only that due to his being attached to

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압축파일 내 파일목록

대학물리학 6장.pdf
대학물리학 7장.pdf
대학물리학 8장.pdf
대학물리학 5장.pdf


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