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the rational to teach communication strategies

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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second language learning and language teaching교재의 chapter 6,7,8,9,10,13 정리한 자료입니다.


1. the rational to teach communication strategies

2. Types of communication strategies and examples

3. The relationship between schema theory and script and top-down processes involved in listening and reading comprehension

4. The contribution of parsing, bottom-up process, decoding, and codebreaking to listening and reading comprehension

5. Different orientations of motivation and their relevance to acculturation model.

6. How aptitude and attitude are understood in language learners’ achievement

7. Age effects in L2 learning; personality types and L2 achievement

8. The characteristics of classroom language (input); the strengths and drawbacks of authentic language(materials)

9. L2 user model and English as a lingua franc(ELF) perspective in terms of targets of L2 teaching

10. L1 use in L2 classroom; its benefits and drawbacks

11. The characteristics of 6 teaching styles and their examples


1. the rational to teach communication strategies
communication strategies can be 1. Mutual attempts to solve L2 problems by participants 2. Individual solutions to psychological problems of L2 processing 3. Ways of filling vocabulary gaps in the first or second language.

2. Types of communication strategies and examples

Socially motivated strategies for solving mutual lack of understanding

one type of strategy is to paraphrase what you want to say.
-approximation : someone who is looking for a word relies on a strategy of using a word that means
approximately the same, say ‘animal’ for ‘horse’ because the listener will be able to deduce what is intended from the context.
-word coinage : another form of paraphrase is to make up a word to substitute for the unknown word –
‘airball’ for ‘balloon’/
-circumlocution –L2 learners talk their way round the word – when you make a container for pottery.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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the rational to teach communication strategies
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