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국제무역론 영어강의 정리 ch4

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


I. 개괄
II. specific factors model(by Paul Samuelson and Ronald Jones)
III. International trade in the specific factors model
IV. Income distribution and the gains from trade
V. The political economy of trade: a preliminary view
VI. International labor mobility
VII. Summary


1. 전반적 내용
-ch3에서 labor could move around between sectors(high wage로 이동가능)
근데 ch4에서 specific factors, can't move to another sector 물론 mobile factor도 있음
-ch3의 Ricardian model suggests that all countries gain from trade and that everyone benefits becuz trade doesn't affect distribution of income
그런데 if trade is so good for econ, whit is their opposition? 소득 분배 때문!
-reasons why international trade affects 소득 분배
①short-run consequence of trade
:resources can't move immediately or without cost from one industry to another
②long-run consequence of trade
:industries differ in factors of production they demand
(trade changes mix of goods produced, and it results in reducing the demand for some factors while raising the demand for others)
ex)cloth import시, production on cloth, factors used in cloth, wage in cloth sector will all decrease
∴trade may benefit nation as a whole, but it hurts groups within country in short run and potentially but to lesser extent in the long run

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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국제무역론 영어강의 정리 ch4
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