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이슬람세계의사상과문화 중간고사 답안

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"이슬람세계의사상과문화 중간고사 답안"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Questions on the popular ‘misconceptions’ and Foundations of Islam. (40%)
1. Anderson and Wagner argue that the perception of ‘Islam as an intolerant religion’ is a popular ‘misconception’ about Islam. Answer to the following questions. 1) If you agree with them, explain your reasoning and elaborate the basis of your argument, except what the authors use to support their arguments. If you disagree with them, explain the reasons, and elaborate the basis of your argument. 2) How would you respond if the Indian Cleric Ashraf Mohammed urges your country to introduce Sharia laws, related to anti-social crimes? (20%)
2. 1) Please explain the Muslims’ six beliefs, comparing with the two other monotheistic religions such as Judaism and Christianity. 2) Please explain the Muslims’ obligations, comparing with the two other monotheistic religions such as Judaism and Christianity, including their similarities and differences. (20%)

Ⅱ. Questions about Israeli-Palestinian conflicts, Arab nationalism, and nuclear program of Iran (60%)
3. Bill Clinton tried to make a peace deal in the two-week-long Camp David conference in July 2000 which he had organized and mediated between Israel and Palestinians. Israel (Ehud Barak) accepted the Bill Clinton’s proposal but Palestinians (Yasser Arafat) rejected it. 1) Why Yasser Arafat rejected the Clinton’s proposal? And what conditions he did not accept? 2) What are the differences between the conditions of the Bill Clinton’s proposal and that of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative (API)? 3) In 2018, the Washington Post published interviews with two 25-year-olds, a Palestinian and an Israeli and discusses on the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts and the Oslo peace process. Please discuss their perception and attitudes toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts and the Oslo peace process. (20%)
4. Compare Arab Nationalism with Zionism, or Korean Nationalism focusing on their main theme, characteristics and explain the factors which contributed to their rise and decline.
Arab nationalism : Prior to the First World War, Arab nationalists were moderate, demanding an autonomy within the Ottoman Empire, greater use of Arabic in education, and local service in peacetime for Arab conscripts to the imperial army.
Radicalization followed the 1908 revolution in the empire and the Turkicization program imposed by the Young Turks government.
5. Explain the 2015 Iran nuclear agreement among the parties including its contents, meaning, and implications for the Middle East politics. And, also compare the Obama administration's policy toward the nuclear program of Iran and that of the Trump administration. (15%)


1. Anderson and Wagner argue that the perception of ‘Islam as an intolerant religion’ is a popular ‘misconception’ about Islam. Answer to the following questions. 1) If you agree with them, explain your reasoning and elaborate the basis of your argument, except what the authors use to support their arguments. If you disagree with them, explain the reasons, and elaborate the basis of your argument. 2) How would you respond if the Indian Cleric Ashraf Mohammed urges your country to introduce Sharia laws, related to anti-social crimes? (20%)

1) I think Islam is an intolerant religion. Because From Theo Van Gogh, who was killed for filming a short film critical of Islam, to people trying to tell the reality of Muslim women's human rights are under threat. Islamic women's rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who is from Somalia, was also threatened with murder.
2) It is extreme severe punishment that Sharia law is now criticized as more anti-humanitarian and brutal than any other legal system in the world.

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