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기계공학과 대학원 전공면접대비 자료집(카이스트, 서울대, 연세대, 고려대, 한양대)

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"기계공학과 대학원 전공면접대비 자료집(카이스트, 서울대, 연세대, 고려대, 한양대)"에 대한 내용입니다.




열역학 정리
#1 Basics of Thermodynamics
- Intensive property: independent on the mass of system, i.e. , , 
- Extensive property: dependent on the size(extent) of system
→specific properties: extensive properties per unit mass

- Continuum: to view as a continuous, homogeneous matter with no holes, to disregard the atomic nature

- State: at a given state, all the properties have fixed values
→the state postulate ↱no electromagnetic/gravitational forces, surface tension, motion, etc
"state of a simple compressible system is completely specified by two independent, intensive properties"
→  or   (but    for multi-phase system)

- Types of equilibrium
(1) thermal equilibrium: temperature is the same throughout the entire system
(2) mechanical equilibrium: no change in pressure at any point of the system with time
(3) phase equilibrium: rate of transfer from one phase to the other is equal to that of reverse direction
(4) chemical equilibrium: chemical composition does not change with time(no reaction)

- Quasi-equilibrium process: sufficiently slow process that allows the system to adjust itself internally so that properties in one part of the system do not change any faster than those at other parts

- Steady-flow process: fluid properties can change from point to point within the CV, but at any fixed point they remain the same during the process →주기적 변하는 물성은 time-average하여 steady로 분석

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증
연세대 기계공학과 대학원생입니다.
판매자 정보
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