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인하대 비즈니스 영어 과제 케이스스터디 1~6

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기


인하대학교 비즈니스 영어
케이스스터디 1~6 과제 모음집입니다.

케이스스터디 7~11 과제 모음집+꿀팁도 등록해두었으며
통합본을 구매하시면 1,000원 할인됩니다.

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1. Case Study 1: YOUJUICE
2. Case Study 2: Dino Conti Ice Cream
3. Case Study 3: A Partnership Agreement
4. Case Study 4: The New Attraction
5. Case Study 5: Davies-Miller Advertising
6. Case Study 6: Organizing a Conference


Case Study 1: YOUJUICE
Complete the email on page 13 (writing file p. 126). This email is from the head of the interviewing team to Claudia Lopez, Regional Director of Youjuice. Write about at least three strengths of the candidate you have chosen. Explain how these strengths relate to the job description.
To: Regional Director
From: Head, interviewing team
SUBJECT: Appointment of sales and Marketing Director (Brazil, Argentina, Columbia)

Dear Claudia,
I am the head of the interviewing team in charge of the interview to appoint a sales and marketing director this time.
All candidates had good profiles, making it difficult to choose.
Nevertheless, we finally chose Juana Ramos.
Then from now on, I'll briefly explain her strengths and why we picked her.

First, She has experience in market research & sales. In addition, good results were obtained from these tasks. This work experience will create synergy if she becomes a director.
Second, She is the only candidate who satisfies one of the requirements of the company, the analytical skill. Her skill will certainly help create a reliable customer database.
Third, She is the youngest candidate but dynamic and energetic. Her characteristics will greatly help motivate sales staff.

For these 3 reasons, we thought Juana Ramos is more competitive than other candidates. We wish her great results as a director. Thank you.
Best wishes
Head, interviewing team

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인하대 비즈니스 영어 과제 케이스스터디 1~6
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2024년 06월 03일 월요일
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