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일반생물학 캠밸 Ch 20~28, 31~33, 36~38 영어 요약본

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20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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"일반생물학 캠밸 Ch 20~28, 31~33, 36~38 영어 요약본"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Chapter 20. Unifiying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function
2. Chapter 21. Nutrition and Digestion
3. Chapter 22. Gas Exchange
4. Chapter 23. Circulation
5. Chapter 24. The Immune System
6. Chapter 25. Control of Body Temperature and Water Balance_thermoregulation
7. Chapter 26. Hormones and the Endocrine System
8. Chapter 27. Reproduction and Embryonic Development
9. Chapter 28. Nervous Systems
10. Chapter 31. Plant Structure, Growth, and Reproduction
11. Chapter 32. plant nutrition and transport
12. Chapter 33. Control Systems in Plants
13. Chapter 36. Polulation ecology
14. Chapter 37. Communities and Ecosystems
15. Chapter 38. conservation biology


■ Anatomy : the study of structure
Physiology : the study of function
■ Animals consist of a hierarchy of levels of organization
Tissues : integrated groups of similar cells that perform a common function
Organs : perform a specific task and consist of two or more tissues
Organ systems : consist of multiple organs that together perform a vital body function
■ Tissues
epithelial tissue 상피
sheets of closely packed cells that cover body surfaces and line internal organs and cavities;
simple squamous epithelium단층편평상피, simple cuboidal epithelium단순입방상피,simple columnar
epithelium단순원주상피,stratified squamous epithelium층상편평상피
connective tissue 결합
1)loose connective tissue 2)fibrous connective tissue 3)adipose tissue지방 4)cartilage연골 5)bone
muscle tissue 근육
the most abudant tissue
1) skeletal muscle: causes voluntary movements
2) cardiac muscle: pumps blood
3) smooth muscle: moves walls of internal organs such as the intenstines
nervous tissue 신경
senses stimuli and rapidly transmits information
carry signals by conducting electrical impulses

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일반생물학 캠밸 Ch 20~28, 31~33, 36~38 영어 요약본
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