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[토플]토플 SW 최강 정리[30점만점 목표용]

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twe 제외하고 목표 29점 이상인 분만 추천합니다.

기본적인 문법은 수록하지 않았고 더 심오한 토플 sw 을 원하신다면

극히 강추해드립니다.
시중에 문법 문제지중 어려운 문제는 모두 참고하였고
해커스 Q&A 게시판에서도 어려운 것만 포함하였습니다.
궁금한점 있으시면 방명록 이용해주세요


축약, 동격, 도치, 비교, 생략

토플 문법 종류는 모두 수록하였습니다.

모두들 만점 받으시기 바랍니다.


일부분을 뽑았습니다.
참고하시기 바랍니다.
=================축약, 동격, 도치, 비교, 생략=================
, when having fallen into freezing cold water, : 축약된 것
Confusing all the students was the math problem.
Confused by the problem will be the students.
More difficult to attain was the task that S + V.
*Among the most active in establishing free public education was the labor union.
*Derived from the concept of natural law is the theory that S+V.
*Off the coast of California lie the Channel Islands.

;부정의미의 부사+조동사(do/will/be/have)+S+본동사:
Not once did I miss a question.
Never has Mr. Jones taken a vacation.
Never before or since have so many given so much for so few.
At no time can the woman talk on the telephone.
Hardly ever does he take time off.
Never have I seen such a beautiful sight.
Not until the teacher told me about it did I notice the mistake.
Neither so simple nor so obvious does natural behavior become as we once thought.
Nowhere in the Constitution is a statement about the exact steps that ~.
Not only are electronic switches faster than other switches, they also ~.
Nowhere can the effects of tectonics be more clearly seen than in the area stretching from the Great Rift Valley to the Dead Sea.
Nowhere can a more difficult test be found for transcontinental drivers than the Sahara Rally.
Rarely has a technological development had a great impact on many aspects.

참고 자료



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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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[토플]토플 SW 최강 정리[30점만점 목표용]
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