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대학영어 ) A. Unit 4. Mamie, B. [Unit 6, Unit 7] ,C. 과제 - 10개의 어휘 각각이 뉴스에서 사용된 해당 문장들을 적고, 그 10개의 문장 전체를 우리말로 해석하고 출처를 밝힐 것

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
19페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 5,000원4,750원 할인쿠폰받기


1. 과제 A
2. 과제 B
3. 과제 C
4. 출처 및 참고문헌


1. 과제 A

(1) chemical. Chemical weapon is the most dangerous weapon what is being used by the North Korean army.
화학 무기는 북한군이 사용하는 무기 중 가장 위험한 무기이다.

(2) store. If you don’t store food until winter, you are going to die because of starving in winter.
음식을 겨울까지 저장하지 않으면, 너는 굶주림으로 죽을 것이다.

(3) bosom. Jack is most bosom friends who have been meeting each other more than 10 years.
잭은 10년 가까이 만난 가장 소중한 친구이다.

(4) patronizingly. The thing which makes most hard when you are in working place is not a hard work nor busy day, but your boss who patronizingly boosts himself. 일할 때 너를 가장 힘들게 하는 것은 힘든 일이나 바쁜 날이 아니라 잘난체 하며 자신을 뽐내는 너의 상사이다.

(5) amiable. Sarah is most amiable person in the school.
사라는 학교에서 가장 상냥한 사람이다.

(6) respectively. We don't offer any meal tomorrow. You have to get your own lunch respectively.
우리는 내일 식사를 제공하지 않는다. 점심은 각자 가지고 와야 한다.

(7) call upon. The judge will call upon to jack to attend tomorrow’s judgment
판사는 잭에게 내일 판결에 출석할 것을 요구할 것이다.

참고 자료

Joe Biden's win grows more decisive each day as votes are counted, CNN, 2020-11-11, Paul R. La Monica
Pfizer's CEO sold $5.6 million in stock the day he announced promising vaccine news, CNN, 2020-11-11, Paul R. La Monica
Coronavirus: US hospital admissions reach record high as cases surge, BBC
Joe Gomez: Liverpool & England defender set for knee injury scans, BBC
'The Crown' tackles the Princess Diana and Margaret Thatcher years, CNN, 2020-11-11, Brian Lowry
Health tracking could mitigate pandemic-related risks, but will employees see it as an invasion of their privacy?, BBC, 2020-11-11, David Cox
Many towns have unfortunate names. Some make money off them, others change them. What’s the best option?, BBC. 2020-10-13, David Cox
We had thought that the university would provide us with many opportunities.
The lines between life and work have never been so blurry. A German word shows us the importance of disconnecting, and may even help us reclaim some of our free time, BBC, 2020-10-8, Krystin Arneson
Overconfidence can delude us into dangerous thought or actions – and that same arrogance can also spread to others like wildfire, too, BBC, 2020-9-29, David Robson

"대학영어" 과목 최신 자료

판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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