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市浦健의 주택분야 硏究活動에 관한 연구- 1930년부터 1945년까지를 중심으로 -

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최종 저작일
9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국주거학회 수록지정보 : 한국주거학회논문집 / 17권 / 1호
저자명 : 김진모


I. 서 론
II. 연구의 방법
II. 市浦健의 연구경력
III. 市浦健의 주택에 관한 연구 활동의 내용
IV. 결 론

한국어 초록

In the modern society of Japan, specially before and after the World War II, one of the most importantproblem is socially to build housing of working classes. In those days, Ken Ichiura had been led the dwelling ofmodern Japanese architecture. He had worked in wide spheres of action like private residence, public housing,collective housing area and urban planning for about fifty years. But until now, because studies on public housingof Japan has been discussed only aspect of architectural design, there was almost no study about Ken Ichiurawho acted in practical affairs. So this study aims to consider about the Ken Ichiura's research on dwelling andthe relation with the then social circumstance. It was summarized as four details of Ken Ichiura's activities onDwellings before the end of World War II. First, he proposed half-government-supervised system by economicreason on provision of dwellings. Second, he proposed dry construction system by material and structural reasonon economic and stability supply. Third, he proposed standardization and industrialization by economic reason onindustrialization form material to construction of industry. And the last, he also proposed standard plan andstandard design by economical and mass production supply dwellings during the war.Keywords : Ken Ichiura, Dwellings, dry construction, mass-production, standardization, industrialization주 요 어 : 市浦健, 주택건축, 건식구조, 대량생산, 규격화·공업화

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市浦健의 주택분야 硏究活動에 관한 연구- 1930년부터 1945년까지를 중심으로 -
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