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동적가족화(KFD)에 나타난 부부갈등 표출

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술치료학회 수록지정보 : 미술치료연구 / 4권 / 1호
저자명 : 송근진, 최외선


Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
Ⅲ. 연구방법
Ⅳ. 연구결과 및 논의
Ⅴ. 결론

한국어 초록

오늘날 우리 사회는 산업화와 함께 전통적 공동사회가 해 체되면서 확대가족체제의 기능이 약화되고 보다 긴밀한 상호작용을 통한 부부중심적인 핵가족체제로 변하고 있다.
최근 한국의 가족형태는 표면적으로는 핵가족체제 성향을 가지지만 내적으로는 여전히 전통적 가부장제 특징을 많이 내포하고 있다. 가부장적인 가족구조는 남성이 여성을 주도하는 체제로 남녀간의 역할에 이해 관계가 상충되어 이 요인이 부부간의 갈등을 불러일으키는 주요 원인이 된다.
부부관계의 성공여부도 부부내적 혹은 부부외적 문제를 얼마나 잘 해결하느냐에 따라 결정 할 수 있다(Fitzpatrick, 1988; Raush, Barry, Hertel & Swain, 1974). 부부갈등이 제대로 해결되어지지 않을 때는 심각한 문제가 발생하게 될 것이다. 따라서 부부간에 상호작용하는 갈등해결 행동유형에 따라서 부부갈등이 개선될 수도 있고 악화될 수도 있다(Gottman, 1993; Christemsen & Heavey, 1990; Schapp, Bunk, & Kerkstra, 1988) 대체로 부부갈등이 개선될 경우는 부부가 긍정적으로 상호작용 하는 의논중심형이며, 갈등해결을 어렵게 하고 거칠게 다룰때는 부부간에 상호회의적이거나 파괴적인 폭력으로 상호작용한다고 볼 수 있다. 많은 사람들이 부부갈등 해결에 도움이 되는 이성적이고 합리적인 사고나 행동들이 무엇인지에 대해서는 이론적으로 알고 있음에도 불구하고, 갈등표출방법에 있어서 실제로 바람직한 사고나 행동을 표출하지 못하고 있는데 이것은 각 개인이 갈등에 대한 인지차나 가족환경의 영향에 의한 차이로 볼 수 있다.

영어 초록

Couple’s conflict expressing method, and the contents regarding to the kinetic family drawing examination. For data analysis, it applied statistical methods, such as, Discreminant Analysis.
The result of this study was as follows : Couple s conflict expression method that appeared on the kinetic family drawing. On the kinetic fami!y drawing, the study examined the conflict expression method according to the view of criteria for activity, in view of figure's characteristic, in the dynamic view, and in the style view.
1) Discriminant analysis of conflict expressing method by the kinetic family drawing.
According to the kinetic family drawing, it can distinguish couple’s conflict expressing method.
As for variables that can distinguish husband’s reasoning type are showed in the order of, such as, first child’s facial expression, spouse' criteria for figure communication level. the first child’s criteria for activity, the first child’s orientation between figures, and spouse arm length, and that other 19 variables that can distinguish husband's reasoning type expression showed.
As for variables that can be make to distinguish husband’s avoidance type are showed highly in the order of, such as, the first child's facial expression, the first child's orientation between figures, own s underlining individual figures, owns nurturing, and own's criteria for size of figures, and that, other 23 variables that can distinguish husband’s avoidance type expression are showed.
As for variables that can distinguish husband's violence type are showed highly in the order of, such as, the first child's criteria for face, own's criteria for eyes, spouse' criteria for activity, and own's criteria for number of barriers, and that. other 22 variables are showed as a significant variables that can distinguish husband's violence type expression.
As for variables that can distinguish wife's reasoning type are showed highly in the order of, such as, the first child's criteria for figure's communication level. own's communication level. own's criteria for eyes.
spouse criteria for figure tension, and first child’s encapsulation, and that 10 variables are showed as a variables that can distinguish wife's reasoning type.
As for variables that can distinguish wife's avoidance type are showed highly in the order of, such as, spouse' figure size, own's underlíning individual figures, the first child's figure size, the first child's criteria for eyes, and own's criteria for face. and that other 16 variables that can distinguish wife's the avoidance type expression.
As variables that can distinguish wife's violence type was showed highly in order of, such as own's criteria for size of figures spouse encapsulation. the first child’s arm length. the first child’s ascendance and spouse criteria for activity, and that other 16 variables. that can
distinguish wife’s violence type expression showed accordingly.

참고 자료



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