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초등학교 무용과 표현활동의 교수-학습과정안 비교연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
25페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국문화예술교육학회 수록지정보 : 모드니 예술
저자명 : 노경희


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 초등학교 무용 예술교육과 체육교과 무용 비교
Ⅲ. 학교무용의 교육방법 및 단계성 비교
Ⅳ. 결 론

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to explore a status and direction of dance education in schools in respect of the directivity of art education and social function. A comparative study on the area of
teaching-learning plan, teaching-learning materials, ‘Happy Life’ integrated curriculum, and ‘Physical Education’ expression activity shows the following: A teaching-learning plan is comprised of 34 periods for 1st and 2nd grade dance class in the art integrated education, and 3rd to 6th grade dance class each. In case a school conducts a reconstructed school hours of less than 34 periods per class with a newly assigned art instructor, it must select a middle
area for 1st and 2nd grader art integrated education-dance in which 4 subjects are allocated, whereas 3rd to 6th grade dance is composed of ‘Play Dance’, ‘Understand Dance’, ‘Meet Dance’ designed to conduct class in regular sequence and ratio.
- Art integrated education by a method of play through an experience of motion expression is presented in ‘Art Integrated Education-Dance’ as a form of ‘Play Dance’ and the middle area combined with 4 subjects.
- A preliminary step to physical and mental warm up is illustrated in the introduction part of ‘Play
- A self-directed learning methodology which enables a learner to find and investigate necessary data in connection with appreciating, comparing, and other subjects like social study, computer, is given on ‘Understand Dance’. The class can be conducted in association with either the experience learning or the type of class that on-line and off-line is combined according to the schools to which an instructor is assigned.
- ‘Meet Dance’ provides an opportunity to experience the folk dance as a dance education in terms of art education with the aid of preceding learning of ‘Understand Dance’.
- Teaching-learning materials are comprised of 68 to 70 modules for every two grades, 1st and 2nd, 3rd and 4th, and 5th and 6th grade, which contains ‘Meet Art’, ‘Dance Story’, ‘Happy Dance’, ‘Korean Folk Dance’, and ‘Foreign Folk Dance’. Dance class annual plan is made up of a framework that gives an art instructor access to choose a module at their own discretion to meet the class hours in the school they are assigned to. When a voluntary choice of module in class is available, and a school reapplies for dance class, there might be an overlap in the new instructor's class contents due to the fact that art instructors are, even if being asked do so, not willing to release their annual class plans for mutual communications.
-‘Meet Dance’ is sometimes offered to conduct a two period class with a single module which means
experiencing reading, writing, making, drawing, and other art genres without motion activity.
- A way to understand the characteristics of dance in the course of appreciation through teacher-directed
learning is suggested in ‘Dance Story’.
- A direct subject indexing without warm-up is presented in the teaching-learning materials of ‘Happy
Dance’ which often leads to a repeated practice of motion activity skipping group works and presentations.
- The features of dance in compliance with Korean folk dance and folk songs are exemplified in ‘Koran
Folk Dance’.
- ‘Foreign Folk Dance’ features dance in the context of learning foreign folk dance together with a
modification of the folk dance.
- ‘Happy Life’, an integrated curriculum, represents an art education experience with perspective of
integrated chapter and expression activity which is interfaced with ‘Right Life’, ‘Wise Life’, and ‘Happy
- ‘Physical Education’, as a curriculum of expression activity, suggests such methods as exploitation of
musical instruments or tools enabling human body to work in a better and safer level, and practice of
physical activity and folk dance in a more creative and functional way.

참고 자료



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초등학교 무용과 표현활동의 교수-학습과정안 비교연구
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