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停年退職 이후의 再社會化敎育에 관한 硏究

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17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국교육학회 수록지정보 : 교육학연구 / 28권 / 1호
저자명 : 金水日


1. 緖論
2. 硏究의 目的
3. 硏究方法
4. 成人後期 文化
5. 公的 扶助와 停年退職
6. 再社會化를 위한 成人敎育프로그램 構案可能性
7. 結論 및 提言

영어 초록

The concern about the aged after retirement has been raised in Korea and it becomes very important problem to be solved now. The reasons why we have to be are as follows : The increasing in the life expectancy since the mid-70's has resulted in the aged phenomena of the population of the old : Though many retirees still have abilities to work, they have to leave the jobs by the regulation of age limit : So, many employees want to have opportunities to work continuously by re-employment or searching other jobs; Since pension system in Korea hasn't been settled down, yet, most retirees has .suffered from poverty; Because that the ageds social roles has been deprived the retirees by rapid social change through industrialization, they have been isolated from Korean society.
Though recently government has asked companies to extend retirement age and to employ the aged supporting financial system, most companies are not providing such opportunities as well as for the retirement. If these opportunities are supported for pre-retirees, they'll develop themselves. secure their family lives, and contribute to development of community as adult learners.
Recognizing the necessity of education for adaptation on social life after retirement. the objective of this study is to suggest the theoretical background for making the adult educational program. As basic materials to do it, social policy about the retirement, individual problems faced in this term and its influences on each are studied. First, though there are social policies about the retirement like health. residence, income and other social services in Korea, more positive policies like re-employment system which can extend retirement age are required. Second, retirees faced individual affairs at the family life cycle like children's marriage, separating from them, parents' passing away and realizing of getting old. Third, they faced followings through the retirement; discontinuity of work, no more career, decreasing of income, the responsibility of the retirement grants, adaptation on the new social roles and so on. Though they have opportunities to work continuously, their status, contents of job and wage are different from before.
Otherwise, retirement can be defined in various ways. Some theorists regard any person who performs no gainful employment during a given year as retired. Others apply this definition only to those who are currently receiving retirement pension benefits. And still others consider anyone who is not employed full time, year around, as retired. In Korea, the considerable focus on the retirement is divided into such as the retirees' committing suicide, unsatisfying act and/or regulation for retirees. the extension of the average length of life. On an aspect of demographic consideration, the proportion of older people who retired has increased dramatically since the turn of 1960s : 961, 319 in 1966 to 1,749,549 ill 1985 over 65 of age. Pertaining to the focus, this research aimed to check the late adulthood's living surrounds, to study the institutional system on the mandatory retirement, and to settle down the criteria for formal retirement preparation program.
For purposes of the present discussion, a retired person is one who is not employed at a full-time paying job and who receives at least some income from a pension due to prior employment. The retirement is an earned reward, one that results from having previously been a member of the labor forces. Also, retirement means a total separation from the world of work.
Lots of retirees anticipate financial problems during retirement, even though these also expect retirement to reduce their income up to 50% from pre-retirement. Few employees take concrete action to ensure that their retirement income will be adequate. However, there is no indication that this lack of formal pre-retirement planning has any substantial impact on postr-etirement well-being.
Since voluntary retirement affect only a very small number of employees, the decision to retire must often be due to other reasons. These include the employee's job level and job satisfaction, age discrimination and employer pressures to retire, actual and self-perceived health, the expectation of a more enjoyable life, and the influence of one's family, friends. and coworkers.
Phases of retirement have been suggested that retirees tend to proceed through a series of distinct psychological and emotional stages. Retirement may well begin with a euphoric and busy honeymoon phase, during which the individual eagerly tries to do many of the things that were ruled out by full-time work. This intense activity may be follwed a period of letdown or disenchantment, especially if the individual's prior expectation of retirement were unrealistically positive. And other phase, the retirement produces a substantial drop income, so much so that the retiree's standard of living and satisfaction with life are adversely affected. And another phases are those retirees' facing on poor health, nothing to do, and the biggest loneliness.
Here again, the voluntary retiree is an optimistic one: the minority find retirement to be a busy and satisfying period. In particular, those individuals who developed satisfying hobbies and recreational activities prior to retirement are most likely to enjoy their years away from full-time work. However, those who had few avocations during their working years may well find that retirement is disenchanting and depressing.
After retirement the important factors to make life are time, money and relation with others. First, retirees should spend their time effectively whatever they would do. If they fail to do it, they can get bad mental conditions like tension, despair, irratation and so on. Second, only with dependence on pension, insurance and savings, they can't cope with inflation. Third, if they fail to relate with others continuously, they'll feel seriously isolated.
In conclusion, this study couldn't find out to be any kinds of the mandatory retirement policy for them, to subsidize those retirees beyond the retirement pension, to solve both psychological and emotional problems of their having faced, and to be carried out the retirement preparation program. Therefore, this project suggest to keep implementing of their role playing in social activities; to be instructed as techniques on the interest raising between save and withdraw of pension; to be daily exercised for the health betterment and maintaining; to inquire into working alone, working with others, and working half and half; to prepare, and then to participate the retirement preparation program; and to be specialized for post-retirement well-being.
Retirees should have wisdom to turn this critical moment into opprotunity to deveolop themselves. Social policy also offer such an opprotunity, too. However, the retiree's can be helped to make their renew life desirable through the programs viz, how the eged cope with his/her life
So, educational programs for the retirees to adapt on their new life should be developed considering such suggestions as ; Financial reward should be offered through taking educational programs: These programs should satisfy the needs to belong to somewhere; Participation in any institutions should offer chances to share retirees' experiences with the young workers and to enhance their abilities to communicate with many others; Educational researcher should find out the common interest which the retirees want to learn regardless of their various characteristics; Many informations about how the retirees cope with the life after retirement should be presented before retirement. These informations should be open to anyone; Educational programs should be very practical which can be adated on daily life; and Educational programs should solve the aged' affectional problem like loneliness, despairs and so on.

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停年退職 이후의 再社會化敎育에 관한 硏究
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