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김복진의 조선프롤레타리아 예술동맹 운동 연구

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
32페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 6,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동아시아문화학회 수록지정보 : 동아시아문화와예술
저자명 : 윤범모


I. 서론
II. 김복진의 사회주의 사상 입문과 실천
III. 조선프로레타리아예술동맹의 결성과 전개
IV. 카프 운동의 역사적 의의
Ⅴ. 결론

한국어 초록

Korea Proletarian Artist Federation (KAPF) is a progressive group
of art movement active during the 1920’s and 1930’s. KAPF used
to be a specialist group based on the socialist ideology and the
largest art movement aiming at the multitude movement under
the Japanese occupation. So far studies on KAPF have been lively
developed mainly in such areas as the modern history and the
modern history of literature. In that the role of Kim Bok-Jin, the
artist has been relatively neglected. He used to be a sole artist
who was active in the movement of the socialist ideology at the
forefront. The core of the thought-literature movement was the
activity of the KAPF. But any other member of KAPF than Kim has
never been on the forefront of the thought movement. His clear
faith in the thought movement and the organization allowed him
to take part in the movement and to work on his art side by side.
He even has imprisoned more than 5 years for that.
Here I tried to newly illuminate KAPF with Kim Bok-Jin at the
center of it, and thereby to prove that he played a central role in
the organization. His role in KAPF can be summed up like this:
First, he was a central figure in forming the foundation of the
organization, including the raising and selecting members.
Second, he participated in building the background and the
orientation of KAPF to the extent that he joined in writing the
regulation and the platform of it.
Third, he and his colleagues tried to manage KAPF in a broad
view of the socialist movement under the occupation.
Fourth, as a (secret) member of the Cho-Sun communist party
and the representative figure of the socialist art world, he leaded
the organization. art.
Fifth, he took the initiative in establishing the policy line of
KAPF as a multitude group.
Sixth, in the end he was one of the guidance division of KAPF.
To grasp the facts of KAPF, we need to restart from
illuminating the role of Kim Bok-Jin, for he was one of the central
figures in the whole process from organizing to running the
group. KAPF was never a mere literary group nor the one only
for artists. It was a multitude group leaded by artists, which was
willing to join the political struggle. On the basis of the socialist
thought, it stood against the imperialist Japan, within the context
of the contemporary political and social conditions, and Kim Bok-
Jin was the central figure.
The progressive literary movement under the Japanese
imperialism and the sculptor Kim Bok-Jin’s role in KAPF are
noteworthy in rewriting the history of KAPF.

영어 초록

Korea Proletarian Artist Federation (KAPF) is a progressive groupof art movement active during the 1920’s and 1930’s. KAPF usedto be a specialist group based on the socialist ideology and thelargest art movement aiming at the multitude movement underthe Japanese occupation. So far studies on KAPF have been livelydeveloped mainly in such areas as the modern history and themodern history of literature. In that the role of Kim Bok-Jin, theartist has been relatively neglected. He used to be a sole artistwho was active in the movement of the socialist ideology at theforefront. The core of the thought-literature movement was theactivity of the KAPF. But any other member of KAPF than Kim hasnever been on the forefront of the thought movement. His clearfaith in the thought movement and the organization allowed himto take part in the movement and to work on his art side by side.He even has imprisoned more than 5 years for that.Here I tried to newly illuminate KAPF with Kim Bok-Jin at thecenter of it, and thereby to prove that he played a central role inthe organization. His role in KAPF can be summed up like this:First, he was a central figure in forming the foundation of theorganization, including the raising and selecting members.Second, he participated in building the background and theorientation of KAPF to the extent that he joined in writing theregulation and the platform of it.Third, he and his colleagues tried to manage KAPF in a broadview of the socialist movement under the occupation.Fourth, as a (secret) member of the Cho-Sun communist partyand the representative figure of the socialist art world, he leadedthe organization. art.Fifth, he took the initiative in establishing the policy line ofKAPF as a multitude group.Sixth, in the end he was one of the guidance division of KAPF.To grasp the facts of KAPF, we need to restart fromilluminating the role of Kim Bok-Jin, for he was one of the centralfigures in the whole process from organizing to running thegroup. KAPF was never a mere literary group nor the one onlyfor artists. It was a multitude group leaded by artists, which waswilling to join the political struggle. On the basis of the socialistthought, it stood against the imperialist Japan, within the contextof the contemporary political and social conditions, and Kim Bok-Jin was the central figure.The progressive literary movement under the Japaneseimperialism and the sculptor Kim Bok-Jin’s role in KAPF arenoteworthy in rewriting the history of KAPF.

참고 자료



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김복진의 조선프롤레타리아 예술동맹 운동 연구
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