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미국 원주민의 알카트라즈 점거 사건의 의의

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24페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 동국사학회 수록지정보 : 동국사학 / 44권
저자명 : 박진빈


Ⅰ. 1960년대의 역사적 의미
Ⅱ. 알카트라즈 점거의 추이
Ⅲ. 점거생활의 몰락과 유산
Ⅳ. 알카트라즈의 기억과 역사화

영어 초록

This paper discusses the Alcatraz occupation by the Native American from November 1969 to June 1971 and evaluates historical meaning of the event. Alcatraz is an island located in San Francisco bay which was used as a federal correctional facility When the prison was closed in 1969, the city of San Francisco held the authority to develop this island. The Native Americans wanted this small island for their own use, and therefore decided to take over the island. They occupied Alcatraz for 18 months.
What was the reason of the Native Americans’ action? According to the statement they announced upon the occupation, this action intended to recover the right they had been denied to exercise. Native Americans were the original residents of the Americas, but the Europeans forced them to give up their lands. By the 1960s, only small number of Native Americans survived and most of them lived in poor environment of Indian reservations. By occupying Alcatraz, they wanted to let the world know about their situation and held a land for themselves. Alcatraz would serve as a hub for Native American culture and identity. This was part of Native American rights movement, which was influenced by civil rights movement in the 1960s. The Bay Area was a center of Native Americans, as many communities and university students gathered around this region.
The occupation of Alcatraz evoked people’s interest in Native American history and successfully drew material and sympathetic supports. However, the occupiers divided on the use of supporting money, and some of the new arrivals to the island were out of control. Finally, the federal government sent troops and evacuated the remaining Native Americans. After Alcatraz, many Indian organizations such as AIM continued occupation of government facilities, trying to maintain the spirit of the Alcatraz occupation.
Today Alcatraz is part of the Golden Gate National Park and one of the favorite tourist spots in the Bay Area. The island offers exhibitions of the old prison cells and the memory of Native American occupation to the visitors. Without stating the current problems Native Americans faced, the history of Alcatraz occupation is degenerated to one of the sightseeing objects.

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