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[물리영어저널]Research about volume of droplets according to the flow rate of infusion pump

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Research about volume of droplets according to the flow rate of infusion pump


Ⅰ. Introduction to Infusion Pump

Ⅱ. Factors to determine the droplet size
1. Surface tension
2. The size of the drip tube

Ⅲ. Methods to adjust flow rate.

Ⅳ. Methods to measure the volume of the droplet

Ⅴ. The velocity of each droplets

Ⅵ. Oscillation of the droplets

Ⅶ. Volume of droplets according to the flow rate

Ⅷ. Expected Benefits

Ⅸ. Reference


Infusion pump is a device used in hospital when it is necessary to inject a fine or large amount of drug , or to inject exact amount of drug to the patient. It is relatively small medical device, however, when it is operated incorrectly, or not provided with the appropriate amount of drug , it is possible to be fatal to the patient. In most hospital, the infusion pump is classified as a sort of to high- risk equipment. Therefore, infusion pump requires frequent inspection . In the case of Busan National University Hospital , request for infusion pump inspection or repair occurs almost everyday. It is much more convenient to test infusion pump with infusion pump tester , as it doesn't require many devices such as a scale, burette, timer , a pressure sensor for measuring pressure. Also, once simply attached to the pump, monitoring or examination by people is not necessary, and time consumption is significantly reduced as it is possible to test several pumps together.

참고 자료

ECRI Institute. Service Cost and Acquisition Cost. Price Guide. 2011; line 295.
ECRI Institute. Ambulator Infusion Pump in Biomedical Benchmark. IPM procedure No. 490-20081015-01. 2011; 1-5.
Klimas SJ, Temperature depen- dence of the surface tension between the liquid and vapor phases of pure water. 2009; Available from: https:// en.wiki pedia.org/wiki/Surface_tension
Vargaftik NB, Volkov BN, Voljak LD. International Tables of the Surface Tension of Water. J Phys Chem Ref Data. 1983;12(3):817-20. Available from:http://www.nist.gov/data/PDFfiles /jpcrd231.pdf
정기수, 물리의 이해, 정상파와 공명. 2012. Available from http://physica. gsnu.ac.kr/phtml/wave/superpose /resonant /resonant8.html
Jung Hoon Ro, Development of an Infusion Pump Tester using a Drop Sensor, 2013
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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[물리영어저널]Research about volume of droplets according to the flow rate of infusion pump
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