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한우의 신속한 증식을 위한 번식기술 개발에 관한 연구 - III. 한우에서 번식장애 처치 및 의 난소실질내 투여효과에 관한 연구

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10페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수정란이식학회 수록지정보 : Journal of Embryo Transfer / 17권 / 2호
저자명 : 손창호, 오병철, 임원호, 백종환, 오명환, 이강남, 정근기, 강성근, 김대영

한국어 초록

본 연구에서는 한우의 신속한 증식을 위한 번식기술 개발을 위해 발정이 재귀되지않은 무발정 한우의 번식장애 치료효과와 공태기를 감축하기 위한 난소실질내 PGF/sub 2처치효과를 알아보았다. 1. 번식장애의 감별진단 결과는 검사두수 43두중 둔성발정 또는 발정발견의 잘못이 18두 (41.9%)로 가장 많았고, 난소기능정지 14두 (32.6%), 난포낭종 4두(9.3%), 영구황체 3두 (7.0%), 자궁내막염 2두 (4.7%), 자궁축농증과 황체낭종은 각

영어 초록

In order to develop the breeding techniques to increase Hanwoo (Bos taurus coreanae) population, the present study was performed 1) to establish the treatment protocol on reproductive disorders with GnRH or PGF/sub 2/, 2) to improve intraovarian PG / administration for reducing open period. Among total of 43 diagnosed, high percentage of cows (41.9%, 18 cows) were diagnosed as silent heat, followed by inactive ovaries (32.6%, 14 cows), ovarian cysts (9.3%, 4 cows), persistent corpus luteum (7.0%, 3 cows), endometriosis (4.7%, 2 cows), pyometra (2.3%, 1 cow) and luteal cysts (2.3%, 1 cow). To treat silent heat, 18 cows were administrated with 25 mg PGF/sub 2/, heat-detected, artificially inseminated and monitored pregnancy. All treated cows were heat-detected and 16 cows (88%) were successfully pregnant. With 200 GnRH treatment, 7 cows (70%) with inactive ovaries and 3 cows (75%) with ovarian cysts were successfully pregnant. Administration with 25mg PGF/sub 2/, successfully treated 3 cows (100%) with persistent corpus luteum and 1 cow (100%) with luteal cysts, followed by 100% pregnancy rate. With the combined treatment of 25 mg PG /and antibiotics, 2 cows (100%) with endometriosis were effectively treated and got pregnant after. artificial insemination (AI). In order to reduce open period, 5 mg PGF/sub 2/ was administrated intraovarian to 20 days cows after delivery, heat-detected, artificially inseminated and monitored pregnancy. In the first experiment, in order to recover uterus, 5mg PGF/sub 2/were administrated, followed by administration of 5mg PGF/sub 2/ at the interval of 14 days. As results, 74% (17/23 cows) of pregnancy rate after AI. In order to further reduce the open period, 5 mg PGF/sub 2/was administrated at the interval of 11 days without the period of uterus recovery, resulted in 94% (16/17 cows) pregnancy rate. In conclusion, these results showed that PGF/sub 2/ and GnRH treatment were effective hormonal treatment resume in Hanwoo with various reproductive disorders. In addition, modified protocol of intraovarian PGF/sub 2/ administration could be the effective method for reducing the open period.

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한우의 신속한 증식을 위한 번식기술 개발에 관한 연구 - III. 한우에서 번식장애 처치 및 의 난소실질내 투여효과에 관한 연구
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