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α-1,3-Galactosyltransferase Knock Out(GalT KO) 돼지유래 골수 중간엽 줄기세포의 특성 규명

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수정란이식학회 수록지정보 : Journal of Embryo Transfer / 28권 / 3호
저자명 : 옥선아, 오건봉, 황성수, 임석기, 김영임, 박진기

영어 초록

A major barrier to progress in pig to primate organ transplantation or cell therapy is the presence of terminal α -1,3-galactosyl epitopes on the surface of pig cells. Therefore, the purpose of this experiment was to establish and cha- racterize mesenchymal stromal/stem cells (MSCs) derived from α-1,3-galactosyltransferase (GalT) knock out (GalT KO) pig to confirm their potential for cell therapy. Bone marrow (BM)-MSCs from GalT KO pig of 1 month old were isolated by Ficoll-Paque PLUS gradient and cultured with A-DMEM + 10% FBS on plastic dishes in 5% CO2 incubator at 38.5. GalT KO BM-MSCs were analyzed for the expression of CD markers (CD45-, 29+, 90+ and 105+) and in vitro differentiation ability (adiopogenesis and osteogenesis). Further, cell proliferation capacity and cell aging of GalT KO BM-MSCs were compared to Wild BM-MSCs by BrdU incorporation assay (Roche, Germany) using ELISA at intervals of two days for 7 days. Finally, the cell size was also evaluated in GalT KO and Wild BM-MSCs. Statistical analysis was performed by T-test (P<0.05). GalT KO BM-MSCs showed fibroblast-like cell morphology on plastic culture dish at passage 1 and exhibited CD45-, 29+, 90+ and 105+ expression profile. Follow in ginduction in StemPro adipogenesis and osteogenesis media for 3 weeks, GalT KO BM-MSCs were differentiated into adipocytes, as demonstrated by Oilred Ostaining of lipid vacuoles and osteocytes, as confirmed by Alizarinred Sstaining of mineral dispositions, respectively. BrdU incorporation assay showed a significant decrease in cell proliferation capacity of GalT KO BM-MSCs compared to Wild BM-MSCs from 3 day, when they were seeded at 1×103 cells/well in 96-well plate. Passage 3 GalT KO and Wild BM-MSCs at 80% confluence in culture dish were allowed to form single cells to calculate cell size. The results showed that GalT KO BM-MSCs (15.0 ± 0.4 μm) had a little larger cell size than Wild BM-MSCs (13.5 ± 0.3 μm). From the above findings, it is summarized that GalT KO BM-MSCs possessed similar biological properties with Wild BM-MSCs, but exhibited a weak cell proliferation ability and resistance to cell aging. Therefore, GalT KO BM-MSCs might form a good source for cell therapy after due consideration to low proliferation potency in vitro.

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α-1,3-Galactosyltransferase Knock Out(GalT KO) 돼지유래 골수 중간엽 줄기세포의 특성 규명
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