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1920~30년대 울릉도 관련 신문기사를 통해 본 강원도

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30페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국이사부학회 수록지정보 : 이사부와 동해 / 6권
저자명 : 박미현


Ⅰ. 머리말
Ⅱ. 1920~30년대 『동아일보』울릉도 관련 기사
Ⅲ. 울릉도 관련 기사 중 강원도 서술
1. 항로와 생활상 서술
2. 역사 서술
3. 전설 서술
Ⅳ. 맺음말

한국어 초록

울릉도 독도는 6세기 이사부의 우산국 정벌 시기부터 고려, 조선을 거쳐 대한 제국기인 1905년까지 강원도 관할 하에 있었다. 강원도 지역민들은 고대 때부터 육안으로 '울릉도 독도'를 바라보며 '우산국' '무릉도 우산도'라 불러온 같은 생활 권역에 있다. 일제 침략과정에서 울릉도 독도와 지리적, 역사적, 생활문화적으로 연속선상에 있던 강원도를 배제하고 부산, 포항으로 해상교통 거점을 의도적으로 바꾸면서 행정의 연속성을 흔들어놓았다. 1906년 행정구역 편제로 강원도 관할에서 경상남도로 이관되었으며, 1914년엔 경상북도로 변경되어 현재에 이르고 있다. 울릉도 독도가 타 시도로 이관된 이후 일제강점기를 거치며 교류 양상이 어떻게 전개되고 인식되었는지 1920~30년대 신문 기사를 통해 살펴보았다. 1920~30년대

영어 초록

Ulleungdo Dokdo had been under the jurisdiction of Gangwon-do (Gangwon Province) since the conquest of Usanguk by Isabu in the 6th century, throughout Goryeo and Joseon, until the era of the Great Han Empire in 1905. From ancient times, the residents of Gangwon-do could see Ulleungdo Dokdo with their naked eye and they shared the same sphere of living with what they called 'Usanguk, 'Mureungdo' 'Usando'. During the Japanese invasion, Gangwon-do, which was put on a par with Ulluengdo Dokdo in terms of geography, history and living culture, was excluded and the continuity of administration was put in jeopardy by intendedly changing the base of maritime transportation to Busan and Pohang. In 1906, it was transferred from the jurisdiction of Gangwon-do to Gyeongsangnam-do due to organization of administrative district. and at present, it is now under the jurisdiction of Gyeongsangbuk-do since 1914. How the exchange condition was unfolded and perceived after Ulleungdo Dokdo was transferred to other jurisdiction and through the Japanese colonial era, was examined using the newspapers of the 1920s and 1930s. The analysis of the description of Gangwon-do using 164 articles related to Ulleungdo in Dong-A daily newspaper from 1920s to 1930s, revealed that the articles related to the administration and civil affairs were unrelated to Gangwon-do, but it was well described in the articles related to real life and historicity. First, it appears in the news closely related to real life, such as the process of entering Ulleungdo (Island), maritime distress, accidents, typhoons and weather, economic activities, and more. It is revealed that Uljin Jukbyeon Port and Samcheok Imwon Port are still important ports with the shortest distance from Gyeongsang-do Busan and Pohang Ports, Hamgyeong-do Wonsan Port to Ulleungdo. Second, Gangwon-do is amply described in the articles on history and legend. Haseula governor Isabu's activities in the beginning of the description of Ulleungdo history, the attempt of Gangwon residents to move in the time of Goryeo, Samcheok Yeongjang (official) and Wolsong Manho (official)'s inspection (Suto), as well as the migration of Gangwon residents are described with the history of Gangwon-do. The legend of Taeha-ri Seonghashindang, Ulleungdo reveals that it was a place to pay a tribute to the sacrifice of minor official as Gangwon-do inspector (Sutosa) who was drowned due to the storm but it was embellished as a religious place for praying for the safety of Ulleungdo residents. As Ulleungdo was transferred from the jurisdiction of Gangwon-do to another province, all types of exchanges were reduced, but the exchanges concerning real life have continuously been found through the newspaper articles related to Ulleungdo in the 1920s and 1930s, and the historicity also is often remembered through the media. At present, Gangwon-do and Ulleungdo Dokdo are under different jurisdictions. However, the historicity is reviving as the exchange base where the human exchange is most active recently.

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