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HL에 의한 프로비타민-B5 액정의 형성과 보습효과

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국유화학회 수록지정보 : 韓國油化學會誌 / 20권 / 2호
저자명 : 김인영, 조춘구, 유희창

영어 초록

Provitamin B5 liquid crystal (PVB5-LC) was the new emulsion system to enhance moisturizing activity on the skin. In this study, it should be mentioned that PVB5-LC could be prepared with the main compound of hydrogenated lecithin (HL) in oil-in water (O/W) emulsion. The key ingredient of humectants was contained 2% of provitamin B5 (PVB5) into the PVB5-LC. The best suitable compositions of PVB5-LC were made from 4.0 wt% of HL, 4.0 wt% of cetostearyl alcohol (CSA) as emulsifier and gelling agent, 3.0 wt% of 1,3-butylene glycol (1,3-BG) and 2.0 wt% of glycerin as moisturizers, 3.0 wt% of cyclomethicone (CMC), 3.0 wt% of isononanoate (ININ), 3.0 wt% of capric/caprylic triglyceride (CCTG), 3.0 wt% of macadamia nut oil (MNO) as emollients. As the analytical result of PVB5-LC, it could know that the distribution range of particle size was 0.14 to 12.37 m level (mean size 3.24 m). It was certified the multi lamellar phase around the droplet of liquid crystal when observed the droplet particles through a polarization microscope. And it clinically was tested the effectiveness of moisturizing activity (in-vivo) compared with control sample (O/W emulsion). The effectiveness of moisturizing activity of PVB5-LC with Skincon-200EX after 6 hours went up 49.0% (p〈0.05, n=20) whereas the effectiveness of moisturizing activity of generally O/W emulsion cream was 25.7% (p〈005, n=20). Also, in case of Comeometer CM-825, the moisturizing activity of PVB5-LC after 6 hours rose 36.6% (p〈0.05, n=20) whereas the effectiveness of moisturizing activity of generally O/W emulsion cream was 10.8%. Therefore, it was known that the effectiveness moisturizing activity of PVB5-LC with HL was remarkably superior compared with O/W emulsion cream.

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HL에 의한 프로비타민-B5 액정의 형성과 보습효과
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