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가토경골에 Polylactic-Glycolic Acid와 Hydroxyapatite 복합물 매식후 알리자린 레드 및 무기질 침착에 의한 신생골 형성에 관한 연구

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19페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한구강악안면병리학회 수록지정보 : 대한구강악안면병리학회지 / 27권 / 1호
저자명 : 배성호, 천재식, 박양호


I. 서 론
II. 연구재료 및 방법
1. PLGA/HA block 제작
2. 동물실험
3. 반 사 전 자 현 미 경 (Reflection ElectronMicroscope, REM) 관찰
4. 레 이 저 주 사 현 미 경 (Laser ScanningMicroscope, LSM) 관찰
5. 전 자 탐 침 미 세 분 석 학 적 (Electron ProbeMicroanalytic, EPMA) 관찰
III. 결 과
1. 대조군(수산화인회석 매식)
2. 실험군(PLGA/HA 매식)
IV. 총괄 및 고찰
V. 결 론
참고 문헌

영어 초록

Hydroxyapatite(HA) has been widely used as bone substitutes to rehabilitate bone loss area by new bone formation. But there were some problem of bone formation around HAs due to a little space between HAs embedded in bone loss area. The purpose of this study was to observe morphologically new bone formation around HAs mixed with PLGA block (5.5㎜ in diameter, 4 mm in depth) in Newzealand white rabbit tibia. Before 1 week of sacrification, Alizarin red was injected intraperitoneally into rabbit. At 3 day, 1, 2, 4, 10, 18, 32 weeks, bones with HA as control group(CG)and HA mixed with PLGA block as experimental group (EG)were fixed with 10 % neutral formalin, dehydrated, and embedded with Spurr low viscosity resin. After the specimens were cut by 500 ㎛ with slow diamond wheel saw, these were coated with carbon and examined by REM, LSM and qualifative analysis of calcium and phosphorous deposition were done with EPMA. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Both group showed scattered HA around compact bone under REM and little AZ labelled bone under LSM at 3 days. 2. Both group showed active AZ labelled bone, while EG showed higher Ca(calcium) and P(phosphate) deposition than that of CG at 1 wk. 3. There was decreased AZ labelled bone of both group under LSM. REM of EG showed HA associated with new bone from compact bone, while EPMA features showed similar to Ca and P deposition at 1 wk and EG showed higher than that of CG. 4. REM features of both group showed resorbed HA associated with new bone. There was decreased AZ labelled bone of both group under LSM. EPMA features showed higher Ca and P deposition at 4 wks than that of 2 wks. 5. New bone of both group was well demarcated from compact bone under REM at 10 wks. LSM features showed various AZ labelled bone, but weak AZ labelled than that of CG. 6. LSM features of 14 wks showed discontinuous AZ labelled on osteon formation. EPMA of both group showed increased Ca deposition, while there was higher Ca deposition of EG and similar P deposition to CG. 7. REM featureless of 18 wks in EG showed similar gray color to compact bone. LSM features showed osteon formation with little concentric lamellars. EPMA of both group showed increased Ca deposition, while there was higher Ca and P deposition of EG. 8. New bone was ill demarcated from compact bone and increased otseon formation of REM features at 32 wks. There was little AZ labelled bone. EPMA features showed higher Ca and P deposition of EG than that of compact bone. From the aboving results, there was early active AZ labelled bone of both group within 1-2 weeks and since 18 weeks new bone with active osteon formation was poorly demarcated from compact bone. Calcium deposition of EG was early increased than that of CG deposition since 4 weeks after experiments. It was suggested that EG showed active and rapid new bone formation and similar bone mineralization of compact bone

참고 자료



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가토경골에 Polylactic-Glycolic Acid와 Hydroxyapatite 복합물 매식후 알리자린 레드 및 무기질 침착에 의한 신생골 형성에 관한 연구
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