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Matrigel을 이용한 타액선세포의 삼차원적 배양효과

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한구강악안면병리학회 수록지정보 : 대한구강악안면병리학회지 / 27권 / 3호
저자명 : 김석호, 이선경, 이화정, 황영수, 박대열, 장현주, 김은철


I. 서 론
II. 연구 재료 및 방법
1. 연구재료
2. 연구방법
III. 연구결과
1. 정상 및 악성 타액선세포의 단일세포배양과Matrigel 배양시 형태 차이(Fig. 1)
2. 정상 및 악성 타액선세포의 단일세포배양과Matrigel 배양시 세포활성 차이(Fig. 2)
3. 정상 및 악성 타액선세포의 단일세포 배양과Matrigel 배양시 면역조직화학적 발현(Fig. 3,Fig. 4, Table 3)
4. 정상 타액선 조직에서 증식 및 분화표지자에 대한 면역조직화학적 발현 비교(Fig. 3, Table 1)
5. 양성 및 악성 타액선 종양에서 증식 및 분화에 대한 면역조직화학적 발현 차이(Fig. 4, Table
IV. 고 찰
V. 결 론

영어 초록

We used three-dimensional Matrigel culture system to examine the morphognesis of normal and malignant salivary glands cell in vitro including acinar cells(AC), myoepithelial cell(MC), salivary gland adenocarcinoma cells(SGT), mucoepidermoid carcinoma cells(MEC), and immortalized human salivary gland cells(HSG). For this purpose, normal and salivary gland tumor cells cultured in 3-D Matrigel, and characterized histologically and immunohistochemically, compared with same cells grown on monolayer culture and patient tissue from biopsy.

1. In three-dimensional Matrigel culture, HSG cells form acinar structure, SGT cells shows duct like structure, and other AC, MC and MEC cells dont' form any structure , and their morphology was different from that of monolayer cells.
2. Matrigel involved cell proliferation at a similar pattern to cells on plastic monolayer cell cultures, and monolayer cell revealed higher cell viability than that of Matrigel cultured cells.
3. All salivary glands cells on Matrigel or monolayer showed strong PCNA expression, and there is no expression difference in these cells. But some cells including myoepithelial cells in normal and salivary gland tumor tissue showing PCNA lavelling, so there is PCNA expression difference among normal and tumor tissue cells.
4. Actin expression was noted in AC cells on Matrigel, were rare expressed in the other cells except in MEC cells, and was present in myoepithelial cell and ductal cells of normal gland tissue. There is actin expression difference between tissue and cultured cells .
5. S-100 immunoreaction was moderateively positive in MC cells of monolayer culture, myoepithelial cells of normal tissue and pleomorphic adenoma, all cancer cells of mucoepidermoid carcinoma tissue, but significantly decreased in all salivary cells on Matrigel.
6. TGase 2 expression was prominent in MC cells of monolayer and Matrigel cultured, in myoepithelial cells of normal gland and pleomorphic adenoma, epidermoid cells of mucoepidermopid carcioma, and strong reaction in MEC and AC cells of monolayer and Matrigel cultured.
7. Expression of CK in monolayer culture showed strong reaction to CK6 in all sailvary gland cells, and mild reaction to CK10 and CK16 for all salivary cells, CK16 and CK19 expression in monolayer culture was similar to that of Matrigel culture.
8. CK6 and CK10 expression was strongest in AC and MC cells on Matrigel, and CK 4 was negative reaction in AC, SGT, MEC cells, strong reaction in MC cells but mild in SGT cells on Matrigel. Expression of CK was rare in HSG cells compared with other salivary gland cells, CK16 was prominent in SGT cells, CK10 and CK16 showed strongest expression in MEC cells of Matrigel.
9. Monolayer culture of HSG cell shwoing strong reaction to CK6, moderate to CK19 and mild to the others CK, but 3D cultured HSG cells reveal mild expression to CK16, and rare to others CK, intercallated duct in normal gland tissue showing strong to CK19, and mild to the others Ck, so there are CK expression difference in tissue, monolayer and 3-D cultured cells.
10. Monolayer culture of MEC cells represent strong reaction to CK6, mild to other CK, 3-D cells showing increased CK expression including CK6, epidermoid cells and intermediate cells in mucoepidermoid carcinoma tissue reveal positive to CK6 and CK16, mucous cell positive to CK10 and CK19, so Matrigel showed similar CK pattern

compared to mucoepidermoid carcinoma tissue rather than monolThese data indicate that the interaction of salivary gland cells with basement membrane is an important factor in salivary gland development and cytodifferentiation, so this model system will be useful to study acinar or ductal differentiation in vitro.ayer cultred.

참고 자료



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Matrigel을 이용한 타액선세포의 삼차원적 배양효과
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