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에도 시대 초기 풍속화의 표현세계

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24페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국미술연구소 수록지정보 : 美術史論壇 / 33권
저자명 : 에무라 도모코

영어 초록

In the history of Japanese painting, as society changed from a medieval to a pre-modern structure, a taste developed for realistic expression and genre scenes that reflected the interests of the emerging military and wealthy urban classes. The group of works created from the latter half of the 16th century to the first half of the 17th century, and referred to as early pre-modern genre paintings, focused on the depicting of people as they are, their everyday lives and customs. This trend marked a turning point in painterly expression.
On the other hand, the painters and circumstances of very few of these early pre-modern genre paintings are known. The study of these works has relied primarily on comparisons of motifs and painting style, in order to evaluate the works. In genre paintings, all of the major subjects of Japanese painting, whether figures, birds and flowers or landscapes, are depicted either in actual settings or as paintings within paintings. These diverse motifs at times surpass simple stylistic divisions, and thus create problems that hinder the development of an overall study of the group from the study of individual works. However, there are quite a few clear points in common that can be found unexpectedly in otherwise different works. On the other hand, depictions that seem to be similar can in fact reflect decidedly different methods or expression.
The National Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Tokyo has developed research methods and used these on continuing surveys of large numbers of cultural properties. The Institute has conducted a survey of the National Treasure Hikone Screens (Hikone Castle Museum) as an example of early pre-modern genre paintings and published a report on the study findings. This study clarified the aspects of this work not fully understood by art historical study, such as the detail depiction, characteristics of the expressive style, and the color instructions that speak of the production process. Now our research must continue to develop on the work, in order to answer such questions as, how did these particular expressions and techniques spread, how were they received by collectors and other paintings, and other such matters.
From an awareness of these issues, there is a need to develop a survey study focused on works that resemble both the subject and period of the Hikone Screens. Through a study jointly conducted with The Tokugawa Art Museum, survey studies are progression on pre-modern genre paintings, such as Genre Figures(said to depict the romance between Senhime and her husband Honda Heihachirô(Important Cultural Property, The Tokugawa Art Museum), and Scenes of a Kabuki Performance(Important Cultural Property, The Tokugawa Art Museum). Each of these paintings presents its own depicted world, and the artist chose the appropriate materials and methods to depict their respective scenes. High-definition digital photography confirmed characteristics of their line work, the state of pigment layers, and detailed expression. This process brought all of the characteristics of these works to light, and has thus added valuable material that can set standards for the evaluation of these and other works.

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