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IKEA 성공요인 분석 논문(정량 그리고 정석적 분석 방법사용): 1. 스웨덴 부동산정책 및 복지정책, 2. 북유럽 날씨 그리고 3. 스웨덴인 특징

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
47페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 15,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"IKEA 성공요인 분석 논문(정량 그리고 정석적 분석 방법사용): 1. 스웨덴 부동산정책 및 복지정책, 2. 북유럽 날씨 그리고 3. 스웨덴인 특징"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Research hypothesis development
1.3 Dissertation outline
2. Data and Methodology
2.1 The research approach
2.2 The research objective
2.3 Methodology for the research

3. Document Analysis: literature review 6
3.1 Introduction on IKEA
3.1.1 Brief history
3.1.2 Financial summary
3.1.3 Brand value
3.2 Business strategy
3.2.1 Definition
3.2.2 IKEA’s corporate strategy
3.3 Swedish welfare system
3.3.1 Nordic welfare model
3.3.2 History
3.3.3 How to make a successful welfare system
3.3.4 Linkage between welfare system and consumption
3.4 Swedish real estate policy and market
3.4.1 Real estate policy
3.4.2 Real estate market: housing price
3.4.3 Linkage between real estate policy and market and IKEA success
3.5 Weather in Sweden
3.5.1 Weather in Sweden
3.5.2 Relationship between weather and furniture
3.6 Swedish personality and hobby
3.6.1 Swedish personality
3.6.2 Swedish hobby
3.6.3 Relationship between personality and hobby and furniture
3.7 IKEA success factors
3.7.1 Overseas business process
3.7.2 General success factors

4. Conclusions and Limitations
4.1 Conclusion
4.1.1 Summary on the relevance of results to the research hypothesis
4.1.1 Main findings
4.2 Limitations of the study
4.3 Recommendations for the future study



Here is the IKEA’s business idea and vision. As a matter of fact, the IKEA has a clear mission, or value: why they do business.
“To create a better everyday life for the many people”, this is the IKEA vision. Our business idea is “to offer a wide range of well-designed, functional home furnishing products at prices so low that as many people as possible will be able to afford them”. And IKEA is a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Every product we create is our idea for making home a better place ( www.ikea.com)
According to IKEA Group Yearly Summary in 2013, IKEA is making the 10% growth in an average year during 10 years: 2003 to 2013. It’s a kind of outstanding performance in terms of business administration. In other words, to get 10 % growth during the 10 years continuously is not an easy work; that is a great performance. Forbes (2014) announced that privately held companies on average ended 2013 with annual sales growth of 5.4%, the slowest rate of sales growth since 2009,......<중 략>

참고 자료

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Mary Ellen Biery (2014). Private-Company Growth Slowed In 2013, http://www.forbes.com/sites/sageworks/2014/02/02/private-company-growth-slowed-in-2013/, Visited Oct 4, 2014
Brandon Southward (2013). The 25 Best Global Companies to Work For (October 22, 2013), http://fortune.com/2013/10/22/the-25-best-global-companies-to-work-for, Visited Oct 4, 2014
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The secret of their success; The Nordic countries are probably the best-governed in the world (2013, Feb).
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James Titcomb (2014, Nov). Ikea embarks on biggest programme of price cuts in history, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/retailandconsumer/11203128/Ikea-embarks-on-biggest-programme-of-price-cuts-in-history.html, Visited Oct 25, 2014
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