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Elizabeth Bishop의 In the Waiting Room에 나타난 이분법에 대한 도전 (영어영문학과 졸업논문 수상작)

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23페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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* 본 문서(hwp)가 작성된 한글 프로그램 버전보다 낮은 한글 프로그램에서 열람할 경우 문서가 올바르게 표시되지 않을 수 있습니다. 이 경우에는 최신패치가 되어 있는 2010 이상 버전이나 한글뷰어에서 확인해 주시기 바랍니다.


"Elizabeth Bishop의 In the Waiting Room에 나타난 이분법에 대한 도전 (영어영문학과 졸업논문 수상작)"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Introduction

II. Challenged Dualism in the "In the Waiting Room"
A. Blurred Dualism in the Plot
B. Challenged Dualism of the Poet
C. Divisions in the Real World

III. Conclusion


Elizabeth Bishop's "In the Waiting Room" deals with the main speaker, Elizabeth's sudden experience of epiphany in the dentist's waiting room. The speaker goes to the dentist with her aunt “Consuelo” and waits for her aunt's treatment in the separate waiting room. While waiting, she happens to read National Geographic magazine in which she discovers the stories and pictures of the primitive people. Suddenly, when she sees the "black naked women's breasts" in the magazine, she feels a horrible feeling that she is not different from them. This sudden epiphany causes a great confusion to the speaker in the whole poem.
Although there would be many reasons for the poem's significance and its reputation, the main reason for this poem's significance would be its various methods to challenge existing dualisms. Bishop challenges various concepts of divisions and even goes further to disintegrate divisions in social and psychological field. These challenges make readers realize the fluidity of those distinctions. This study tries to analyze her way of breaking divisions in a detailed way with the context of the author's life and the social background.
Bishop challenged many distinctions in her other poems as well. Patricia B. Wallace says Bishop felt the modern dilemma of maintaining her own distinctness and yet keeping herself open to worlds that could threaten her sense of self (96). According to Cheol-U Jang, in the similar context, her many poems therefore deal with themes of isolation, alienation, traveling, losing and encountering others (289). He insists that such themes echo the landscape or the mindscape by virtue of geographical sense (289). This portrayal of landscape and the mindscape at the same time was possible since she tried to overcome the human condition by depicting the fluidity between the internal and the external in her poems (289). Therefore, the fluidity of division could be interpreted as one important theme penetrating Bishop's poetics.

참고 자료

Bishop, Elizabeth. The Complete Poems: 1927-1979. Farrar Straus & Giroux, New York, 1979. Print.
Alfred, Corn. "Geography III by Elizabeth Bishop; Reflections on Espionage by John Hollander." Georgia Review 31.2 (Summer 1977): 533-41. Print.
Cheol-U, Jang. “Elizabeth Bishop’s Poetics : The Fluidity and Mobility of the Interior/ the Exterior.” The Modern British and American Poetry Society of Korea 20 (2014): 189-304. Print.
Claire, Bowen. "Paterson in In the Waiting Room". Twentieth Century Literature 54.4 (Winter 2008): 472-92. Print.
Dan Chiasson. "Elizabeth Bishop and 'Elizabeth Bishop.'" Harvard Review 16 (Spring, 1999): 32-35. Print.
Edelman, Lee. “The Geography of Gender : Elizabeth Bishop’s 'In the Waiting Room.'" Contemporary Literature 26 (1985): 169-96. Print.
James, Longenbach. “Elizabeth Bishop’s Social Conscience.” ELH 62 (1995): 467-86. Print.
Lloyd, Schwartz. "One Art: The Poetry of Elizabeth Bishop, 1971-1976." Ploughsahres 3 (1977): 30-52. Print.
Lois Cucullu. "Trompe L'Oeil: Elizabeth Bishop's Radical 'I.'" Texas Studies in Literature and Language 30.2 (Sumer 1988): 246-71. Print.
Patricia B. Wallace. "The Wildness of Elizabeth Bishop." The Sewanne Review 93.1 (Winter, 1985): 95-115. Print.
Steven Gould Axelrod. "Between Modernism and Postmodernism: The Cold War Poetics of Bishop, Lowelll, and Ginsberg." Pacific Coast Philology 42.1 (2007): 1-23. Print.
William H. Pritchard. "Bishop's Time." The Hudson Review 61.2 (Summer 2008): 321-34. Print.
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