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샤넬 여성을 설레게하는 화장품

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
33페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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"샤넬 여성을 설레게하는 화장품"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. First. Introduction
1) Trend Polularization of Luxury Goods, Differentiation Phenomenon

2. Second. Main point
1) An over view of the cosmetics market
2) Coco Chanel
3) Chanel Korea
4) Background of Chanel's entry into Korea
5) Product Features
6) Product function
7) Distribution
8) Promotion
9) Presenting consumer purchasing processes and marketing strategies for cosmetics

3. Third. Conclusion
1) Easy access to products, hard access to prices
2) Building a personal user DB (Systemaic customer management function)
3) Chanel's Future Prospects

4. Reference literature


First. Introduction

1.1 Trend Polularization of Luxury Goods, Differentiation Phenomenon

Marilyn Monroe, who answered "No.5" without hesitation when asked what she wears in bed, is rocked by countless women around the world who want to be like her.
Chanel aims for total fashion, ranging from clothing to accessories and cosmetics, and is ranked in the class of luxury goods in all categories. In particular, Chanel clothes and accessories are too expensive for ordinary people to access, but cosmetics such as skin care and perfume have become so popular that women have at least one in their handbags. Brand Major, a brand consulting company, surveyed luxury brand awareness and found that those in their 20s and 30s picked Chanel (34.5%), Burberry, and Prada as luxury goods after Gucci.

참고 자료

Marketing-Management Approach, Kwon Ik-hyun, Lim Byung-hoon, Ahn Kwang-ho, Gyeongmunsa, 1999.
Brand Management, Kevin Lane Keller, Brand and Company, 2001.
Consumer Behavior-Marketing Strategic Approach, Lee Hak-sik, Ahn Kwang-ho, Ha Young-won Co-authored, Beopmunsa, 1992.
Brand Power, Ahn Kwang-ho, Lee Jin-yong, Korean media data, 1997.
(Focusing on Case Studies) Marketing 100 Common Sense, Japan Economic Daily, Baeksan, 1992.
Knowing a woman shows money; buying with a woman and its psychology, Fukushima Chizu High School, Eastern Planning, 1996.
Consumer Behavior Theory; Strategic Use in Understanding and Marketing, Im Jong-won et al., Gyeongmunsa, 1994.
(Strategic) Brand Management; Theory and Application, Ahn Kwang-ho, Han Sang-man, Jeon Sung-ryul, Hakhyeon History, 1999.
French Culture and Arts, Flower of Evil to Chanel No. 5, Ko Bong-man, Lee Kyu-sik and others, Hangilsa, 2001.
Refer to the Chosun Ilbo article on Chanel (http://www.chosun.com/)
Refer to articles on Chanel in the Korean economy (http://www.hankyung.com/) Maggie Pextom Murray(1997). "Introduction to the Fashion World," Book Publishing Kyungchunsa. Lee Mi-sook (1998). "CHANEL STYLE DESIGN RESEARCH", a thesis
Claiming a doctorate from Ewha Womans University Graduate School (unpublished).
Toby Fisher Mirkin (1995). "Into fashion," new people.
Kang Jin-seok (1990). A review of "functionalism" and "classic style" in Chanel's doubles, a master's thesis at Seoul National University Graduate School.
Jeong Heung-sook and Joo Myung-hee (1995). "A Study on the Design Characteristics of Karl Lagerfeld", Volume 5 of Chung-Ang University's International Women's Research Institute.
Oh Hee-sun and Park Hwa-soon (1994). "Clothes Design," Book Publishing, Gyeongchunsa.
Lee Mi-sook (1999). "A Study on the Design Characteristics of Chanel Suit", Doubles No. 48.
Kim Seong-bok (1998). "A Study on the Establishment of the Theoretical Foundation for Fashion Criticism", a Bachelor's Degree thesis at Hansung University.
Lee Hae, Ahn Hyun-sook, and Kim Sun-hee (1996). "Medical Life and Fashion," Book Publishing, Kyungchunsa.
Lee Bu-ryeon and Ahn Byung-ki (1996). "Modern times and fashion," Hyeongseol Publishing Co.
Lee Seon-jae (1998) "Understanding Costume Studies", academic history.
Lhasa Educational Development Institute (1991). "20th Century Mode History," book publishing Lhasa.
The Korean Society for Family Affairs (1990). "Clothing," a school gatekeeper.
Shin Sang-ok, Oh Kyung-hwa, and Na Young-joo (1999). "Modern Fashion and Life," Gyomunsa.
Lee Shin-jo, "Coco Chanel, Queen of Fashion", Lee Room (Kim Hyun-joo), 2003, 34p to 90p
Ha Mi-seung, "Leadership, Theory and Development", Book Publishing Yoon Sung-sa, 152p-157p
Taeni, Chanel/ Chacel/ Coco Chanel/ Coco/ Gabriel
great designer 10, Choi Kyung-won, Gilbert, 2006
Women's Story in History: Coco Chanel, Weekly Korea, September 19, 2003 Edition
The Issue Maker of the Century, Women, Hwang Jung and Ida, Yang Sung Hee, Book Publishing Eyes and Hearts, 2007
A Study on Costume Design Using Chanel's Fashion Props – 2004 Kim Hee-sung (Paper Material)
A Study on 'Functionalism' and 'Classic Style' in Chanel Dress, Seoul National University Graduate School Master's thesis - Kang Jin-seok (1990)
Henry Gidel: Coco Chanel, Seoul: Writership, 2002
Park Young-soo: The story of women who overcame the environment and succeeded by using their talents with their will 12, Seoul: Seoul Cultural History, 2002
Lee Shin-jo: Fashion Queen Coco Chanel, Seoul: Book Publishing Lee Room, 2004
Lee Kyung-hye: Coco Chanel, Seoul: say books, 2004
Go Bong-man: French Culture and Arts from the Flower of Evil to Chanel No. 5, Seoul: Hangilsa, 2001
Florang: Coco Chanel - Transparent solitude permeating the Jasmine scent, Seoul: Continent, 2001
Kim Moon-hee: A Woman Called Chanel, Seoul: Ilsongbuk, 2000
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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