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CEM BIO Film 피복시설의 환경특성과 풋고추 생육

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국생물환경조절학회 수록지정보 : 생물환경조절학회지(구 시설원예ㆍ식물공장) / 9권 / 3호
저자명 : 전희, 김경제, 권영삼, 김현환, 이시영

한국어 초록

CEM BIO P.E.필름으로 피복된 시설에서 300~1,100nm 사이의 분광투과율은 일반 P.E. 필름으로 피복된 시설보다 높았다. 전반적으로 시설내 광투과율은 이중피복, 골조, 기타시설물 때문에 노지에 비하여 절반 수준을 나타냈다. 순복사량은 CEM BIO P.E. 필름 피복시설이 5,424.5W.m-2 로서 일반 P.E.필름 피복시설보다 2.9% 낮았고, 광합성유효복사 투과율은 CEM BIO P.E.필름 피복시설이 3,861.2W.n-2 로서 일반 P.E. 필름 피복시설보다 3.8% 높았으며, 무가온기의 적산최저온도는 CEM BIO P.E. 필름 피복시설이 일반 P.E. 필름 피복시설보다 1일 평균 0.35℃ 높았다. 정식후 30일의 풋고추 생육은 CEM BIO P.E. 필름 피복시설에서 초장, 경경, 엽면적, 생체중, 건물중 및 군락생산구조가 우수하였고, 과실은 과중이 11.28g으로 일반 P.E. 필름 피복시설 보다 1.25g 무거웠으며, 상품율은 2.7% 높았다. 1997년 11월 19일부터 1998년 3월 3일 사이의 수량은 CEM BIO P.E. 필름피복시설에서 7.4% 많았으나 전체적인 수량은 차이를 보이지 않았다.

영어 초록

Spectroradiometric light transmittance from 300 to 1,100nm in the greenhouse covered with the CEM BIO polyethylene film was greater than that in the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film (control). As a whole, solar radiation transmittance into greenhouse was a half level, due to shades caused by double layer covering, frame and equipment. Net radiation energy emitted throughout surface of the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film was 5,424.5W.m-2 , which was lower by 2.9% as compared to that of the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film. Photosynthetically active radiation from 400 to 700nm of the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film was 3,861.2W.m-2 , which was higher by 3.8% as compared to hat of the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film. Accumulated minimum air temperature from Oct. 7, 1997 to Oct. 16, 1997 of the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film was 100.5℃, which was higher by 2.5℃ as compared to that of the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film. As results, height, stem diameter, leaf count, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight of green pepper plants and canopy production structure measured at 30 days after transplanting were enhanced. Mean fruit weight n the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film was 11.28 g and 1.25 g greater as compared to that in the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film, due to increased fruit diameter and flesh thickness. Percent marketable fruits produced in the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film were 96.1%, and was greater by 2.7% thant that of the greenhouse covered with polyethylnee film due to decreased infection, sterility, severe curve and twisted fruits. The green pepper yield of the greenhouse covered with CEM BIO polyethylene film from Nov. 19, 1997 to Feb. 3, 1998 was greater by 974 kg per hectare than that of the greenhouse covered with polyethylene film, but the total fruit had no difference.

참고 자료



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CEM BIO Film 피복시설의 환경특성과 풋고추 생육
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