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한국 근해에 있어서의 중층 트로올의 연구 ( V ) - 전개판에 대형 뜸을 달았을 때의 전개성능 -

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수산해양기술학회(구 한국어업기술학회) 수록지정보 : 수산해양기술연구 / 24권 / 2호
저자명 : 이병기, 김민석

한국어 초록

한국근해의 중층 트로올선에서 전개판의 수중중량을 경감시켜서 끌줄을 길게 주므로서 전개력을 향상시키기 위하여 스티로폴뜸을 전개판의 천정판에 고정시키고 끌줄 길이와 예망속력을 변화시켰을 때의 전개판의 깊이와 전개간격을 실측한 것을 분석.검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 전개판 깊이는 끌줄 길이가 100m이고 예망속력이 101~108m/sec인 범위에서 뜸이 있을 경우 41~25m, 뜸이 없을 경우 45~26m이고, 뜸줄 길이가 150m일 경우는 뜸이 있을 경우 68~44m, 뜸이 없을 경우 74~46m로서 뜸이 있을 경우가 없을 경우보다도 9~4% 정도 얕았다. 또 실측치는 어느 경우나 계산치보다도 15% 작았다. 2. 전개판의 전개간격은 끌줄 길이가 100m이고, 예망속력이 1.1~1.8m/sec인 범위에서는 뜸이 있을 경우 34~41m, 뜸이 없을 경우 30~38m이고, 끌줄 길이가 150m일 때는 뜸이 있을 경우 44~50m, 뜸이 없을 경우 37~46로서 있을 경우가 없을 경우보다도 끌줄 길이 100m에서 10%, 150m에서 15%정도 더 컸다. 또, 실측치는 계산치보다 항상 컸으며 계산치에 대한 실측치의 비는 끌줄 길이가 100m일 때 1.17~1.14, 150m일 때 1.17~1.09이었다. 3. 날개 끝 간격은 끌줄 길이 100m인 때 뜸이 있을 경우가 없을 경우보다 1m 정도 크고 유효망구면적으로는 10% 정도 크며, 끌줄 길이가 150m인 때는 그 차이가 2m로서 유효망구면적으로는 20% 정도 크다고 추정된다. 따라서 전개판에 뜸을 달아서 전개판의 수중중량을 일시적으로 가볍게 해 주는 것은 유효망구면적을 크게 하므로 어획성능향상에 상당히 도움이 될 것이 기대된다

영어 초록

Near sea trawlers of Korea sometimes catch pelagic fishes like file fish by using midwater trawl gear even though usually catch bottom fish. It is reasonable to use the specific otter board as well as specific net in bottom trawling and in midwater trawling respectively. But, the trawlers are so small ranging 100 to 120GT, 700 to 100ps that it is very complicated to use different otter board for bottom trawling and for midwater trawling. The otter board for bottom trawling. is also used for the midwater trawling without any change even though the net is changed into the specific one. Although the otter board in the midwater trawling should be lighter than that for bottom trawling, to use otter board for bottom trawling directly for the midwater trawling without any change makes the net easily touch the sea bed and also make the horizontal opening of the otter boards be limited owing to the length of warp in the southern sea of Korea, main fishing ground of midwater trawling, which is 100m or so in depth. That is why the otter board for the midwater trawling should be made lighter than that in the bottom trawling, even if temporary. The authors carried out an experiment to achieve this purpose by attaching a large styropol float on the top of the otter board. In this experiment, underwater weight of the otter board was 630kg and buoyancy of the float was 510kg. To determine the depth and horizontal opening of the otter board, two fish finder was used. A transmitter of 50KHz fish finder was set downward through the shoe plate of otter board to determine the elevation of otter board from the sea bed, and a transmitter of 200KHz fish finder was set sideways on the starboard otter board to be able to detect the distance between otter boards. The obtained results can be summarized as follows: 1. The actual towing speed in the experiment varied 1.1 to 1.8 m/sec. 2. The depth of otter board was within 41 to 25m with float on the top and 45 to 26m without float in case of the warp length 100m, whereas the depth 68-44m with float and 74-46m without float in case of the warp length 150m. This fact means that the depth with float was 9-4% shallower than that without float. 3. The horizontal opening between otter boards was within 34-41m with float and 30-38m without float in case of the warp length 100m, whereas the opening was 44-50m with float and 37-46m without float in case of the warp length 150m. This fact means the opening with float was 10% greater than that without float in case of the warp length 100m, and 15% greater in case of the warp length 150m. 4. The horizontal opening between wing tips by using the otter board with float was 1m greater than by without float in case of the warp length 100m, whereas the opening by with float was 2m greater than by without float in case of warp length 150m. From this fact, it can be estimated that the effective opening area of the net mouth by using the otter board with float could be made 10% greater than by without float in case of warp length 100m, whereas the area with float 20% greater than by without float in case of warp length 150m.

참고 자료



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한국 근해에 있어서의 중층 트로올의 연구 ( V ) - 전개판에 대형 뜸을 달았을 때의 전개성능 -
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