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면의 종류와 gluten-free 쌀면의 개발

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
39페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 8,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국산업식품공학회 수록지정보 : 학술대회 및 심포지엄
저자명 : Malshick Shin, Jimyoung Kim

영어 초록

Noodlesare classified into guksoo (noodle), naengmyeon, dangmyeon, instant fried noodle, pasta, and other noodles in Korean food code. The main ingredients of Asian noodles are wheat, rice, and buckwheat and starches from potato, sweet potato, mung bean and pulses. The people in northeast Asia countries, Korea, China, and Japan have been eaten hand‐elongated and cut noodles, but rice noodles with pregelatinization are most commonly used in the cuisines ofSoutheast Asia. Pasta is made from semolina (durum wheat) by extrusion.For most Japanese and Korean, the preferred textural properties of boiled regular salted noodles are soft and elastic with a smooth surface. Most Chinese, however prefer noodles with firm, elastic, and chewy texture. Rice noodles have not functionality of wheat gluten in forming continuous viscoelastic dough. There are two main methods used for the production of rice noodles: extrusion, which is used to produce vermicelli types; and sheeting of a rice flour batter, which is used to produce sheet and flat noodles. To develop the white salted rice noodle prepared from dry milled rice flour after drying with soaked rice grains, transglutaminase, propylene glycol alginate, adequate water and protein source were added to form gluten‐like network matrix and to entrap starch granules inside of protein matrices. The color and cooking behavior of noodle dough, and texture and sensory test of cooked noodles were investigated. The soy protein, mung bean protein, and silkworm protein helped to form a gluten‐like matrix crosslinked with rice protein. Propylene glycol alginate contributed smooth and elastic texture and reduced the cooking loss, in contrast with gelatinized and extruded rice noodles.

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면의 종류와 gluten-free 쌀면의 개발
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