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동북아 어장에서의 어업분쟁 해결 사례를 통한 국제법 적용 방안

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18페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,200원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국수산경영학회 수록지정보 : 水産經營論集 / 48권 / 3호
저자명 : 이우도, 김남수, 이진수


Ⅰ. 서 론
Ⅱ. 동북아 어장에서의 어업분쟁 해결 사례
1. 남방참다랑어 사건(호주 및 뉴질랜드 v. 일본
2. 한 · 일 어업분쟁 Ⅰ - 제909 대동호 사건
3. 한 · 일 어업분쟁 Ⅱ - 제3 만구호 사건
4. 한 · 중 어업분쟁-중국 어선의 불법조업에 따른 나포 사건
5. 한 · 러 어업분쟁 Ⅰ- 2000년 3월 북양트롤 어선 3척 억류 사건
6. 한 · 러 어업분쟁 Ⅱ - 2000년 12월 냉동운반선 아도니스 호 억류 및 트롤어선 6척 회항 사건
7. 한 · 미 어업분쟁(DIKO호 나포사건)
8. 러 · 일 어업분쟁 Ⅰ - 第88 Hoshinmaru(豊進丸) 나포 사건
9. 러 · 일 어업분쟁 Ⅱ - 일본의 第53 Tomimaru(富丸) 나포 사건
Ⅲ. 동북아 어업질서 변화에 따른 국제법 적용 방안
Ⅳ. 결 론

영어 초록

This article’s aim is to review the jurisprudence which has emerged pursuant to the international dispute settlement provisions and to provide a provisional expectation as to the future of international dispute settlement under“UNCLOS”. Globally, marine fisheries play an important role in ocean biodiversity and the food security of millions of people, providing a vital source of high-quality dietary protein and supporting individuals’livelihoods and income. In the 1982 Convention, the establishment of co-operative mechanisms for effective monitoring, control, surveillance and enforcement, decision-making procedures facilitating the adoption of such measures of conservation and management, and the promotion of the peaceful settlement of disputes are called for. In this study,‘Northeast Asian Sea’means that the Yellow/ East China Sea, the East Sea, the Ohotsk Sea, the Kamchaka Sea, the Alaska Sea, and the Bering Sea surrounded by Korea, China, Japan, Russia, U.S.A. and Canada including their EEZs. There are several bilateral fisheries agreements existing in Northeast Asian area, the Fisheries Agreement between Republic Korea and Japan, between Republic of Korea and China, between China and Japan, between Republic Korea and U.S.A., between Republic Korea and Russia, between Russia and Japan, And there are several regional fisheries organizations existing in Northeast Asian area, for example NPAFC(Convention for the Conservation of Anadromous Stocks in the North Pacific Ocean), CBSPC (Convention on the Central Bering Sea Pollack Conservation), PICES(North Pacific Marine Science Organization), NPFC(North Pacific Fishery Commi-ssion) etc. It analyzed the proliferation of bilateral treaties and multilateral treaties due to the adoption of the EEZ in Northeast Asia reviewed the strengthening of management rights on the high seas marine living resources and marine environment preservation of regional fisheries organizations. In view of the changes in the international fisheries mechanism this paper suggested the future direction of the country in overseas fisheries. We concluded as follows. We shall apply bilateral treaties first, regional fisheries organizations’treaties secondly, and provisions under“UNCLOS”for dispute settlement last.

참고 자료



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동북아 어장에서의 어업분쟁 해결 사례를 통한 국제법 적용 방안
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