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朝鮮後期 忠淸道 地方 邑治의 空間構造에 관한 硏究

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
16페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 12권 / 1호
저자명 : 김기덕, 이재헌


1. 서
2. 조선시대 지방읍치 고찰
3. 충청도 지방 읍치의 입지
4. 읍치의 구성요소
5. 결론

영어 초록

This study is to analyze spatial structure of Eupchi(邑治) on Chungchong province with Chungchong-do regional maps(忠淸道地方地圖) and Eupjis(邑治) being compiled in the late Chosun dynasty. According to the analysis of it in this study, we make conclusions a follows; 1. Gunhyeon(郡縣) which had been Eupseong(邑城) on Changchong-do in Chosun dynasty was 13 provinces, and the construction of Eupseong was the coast Eupseong built for the purpose of defense and military Eusaeong built at Byeongyeong(兵營) and Geojin(巨鎭). And a measure used in the construction of a castle was Pobaekcheok(布帛尺) used to survey a frontier defence in Chosun dynasty, also Jucheok(周尺) or Yeongjocheok(營造尺) could be assumed to be wide use at that time. 2. Eupchi of Chungchong-do Gungyeon was almost disposed to the south direction. also had been Jinsan(鎭山) safeguarding it. With relation to Jwahyang(坐向) and Jinsan, its Jinsan and Myeongdang-cheon(明堂川) match each other in location of Eupchi, as it get Jinsan sat, and take main river in front of it. And provincial government office to be the center of a Eupchi is organized into Gaeksa(客舍), Dongheon(東軒), Naea(內衙), Hyangcheong(鄕廳), and practical business facilities, Jakcheong(作聽) or Jangcheong etc, the others is composed for the use of support of those. 3. In most Eupchi in Chougchong province, the layout Sajikdan(社稷壇) and Yeodan(?壇) was gone with a principle as they were disposed in the west and the north with Eupchi province. Jangsi(場市) of Eupchi was opened in front of government office of Gaeksa, and the Gunhyeon which had Eupseong was established in the inside and outside of Eupseong.

참고 자료



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朝鮮後期 忠淸道 地方 邑治의 空間構造에 관한 硏究
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