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보편적 詩心과 文心의 추구 ― 錢鍾書 『談藝錄』의 理趣論과 文學批評을 중심으로

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20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 62권
저자명 : 한지연


1. 들어가며
2. 感悟와 理性의 조화: 『談藝錄』 의 理趣論을 중심으로
3. 中西의 경계 넘기와 대화적 모색: 『談藝錄』의 文學批評
4. 나가는 말

한국어 초록

『담예록(談藝錄)』은 첸중수(錢鍾書, 1910-1998)의 문예비평서이자 중국 최초의 중서(中西) 비교 시학서이다. 첸중수는『담예록(談藝錄)』집필 과정에서 동서고금의 문예 전반을 아우르는 주요 현상 및 쟁점을 정리, 그 속의 오류를 밝혀내어 학술적으로 바로 잡고자 했다. 또한 방법론적으로는 중국과 서양의 고전 및 문예이론에 대해 상호 비교(參較), 상호 참조(參互)를 진행하여 동서고금의 문예 전반을 포괄적으로 아우르고자 했다. 이에 근거하여 본 논문은 크게 ‘감상(appreciation)’과 ‘평론(critic)’의 문예학적 시각을 통해 양자(兩者)의 접점이『담예록』에서 어떻게 구현되었는지, 첸중수 학문 연구의 궁극적 지향점인 ‘시심(詩心)’과 ‘문심(文心)’ 의 ‘보편적’인 ‘문예심리(文藝心理)’가 『담예록』에서 어떻게 발현되었는지 고찰하여 학자 첸중 수와 그의 학문에 좀 더 다가설 수 있는 발판을 마련해보고자 한다.

영어 초록

On the Art of Poetry談藝錄 written by Qian Zhongshu錢鍾書 is a book of literary criticism and the first book of Chinese and Western Comparative Poetics. In the course of writing, Qian concluded the major phenomenons and issues of literature of at all the times and in all lands, who are able also to debunk some problems. In addition, about Chinese and Western classics & the theory of literature, Qian made a comprehensive study of literature of at all the times and in all lands by mutual interpretation, mutual complementation, mutual confirmation. Based on this reason, this paper was performed to study of the appreciation and literary critic of Qian’s On the art of Poetry. The research presented here therefore takes the above as the starting point of its discussion. Beginning with Qian’s works and looking at how his “literary sensitivity” manifested itself in those writings, point of view between the appreciation and critic, the key topic of this paper is how did Qian seek the poetry mind and literary mind as psychology of literature and art. According to this point, This paper is consisted of foreword, two body chapters, conclusion and the references. Chapter one gave an introduction to this paper and reviewed the former research. On the basis of previous studies, in Chapter two, tried to discuss about the Qian’s literature and art's viewpoint. For this purpose, this paper take the theory of Chinese Classical Poetics as the object of the research, he did particularly pay attention to the philosophic flavor in Poetry and the relationships of philosophic flavor, pragmatic motivation. In short, in the course of his appreciation of literature and art, he used his way of speculative & philosophical thinking, analyzed the problem from various aspects, everything he writes demonstrates the depth of his sensibility. I think that Qian did his research in his separate ways and own idea, established his own independent domains. Chapter three, tried to analyze about Qian’s critical viewpoint of literary criticism. Qian take the reader on a voyage between ancient and modern, and between Chinese and Western canons, thereby gradually building a methodology and different thought process towards literary & scholarly writing that gave Qian’s critic work a unique style. The purpose of his literary criticism is search for the common poetry mind & literary mind, and the literary value of the Chinese & Western literature. Qian discussed about a lot of theme in his book, it is not only the style of the poet, but also writing style, temperament, talent and learning, romantic charm, rhetoric, at all times and in all lands, old and new, a state of poet. Qian tried to thoroughly the discourse of literature all the time, and he enlarged the horizon of literature criticism. As Qian said, poetry mind and literary mind has become a literature actual appearances of all time. Between Chinese Literature and Western Literature, Qian used in the theory of merging, tried to solve the fundamental problem of Chinese literature and literary theory. Qian’s On the Art of Poetry shows that literary criticism is possible outside of the classical criticism, and it is provided new insight into Qian’s academic achievement.

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보편적 詩心과 文心의 추구 ― 錢鍾書 『談藝錄』의 理趣論과 文學批評을 중심으로
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