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식중독균 제어를 위한 유용미생물의 항균물질 생산 및 유전체 특성 연구

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최종 저작일
16페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,900원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국유산균학회 수록지정보 : Current Topic in Lactic Acid Bacteria and Probiotics / 8권 / 1호
저자명 : 김수진, 신진송, 박한솔, 송지섭, 이기원, 방우석, 조태진


서 론
본 론
식품매개질병 원인균에 효과를 나타내는 유용미생물의 항균물질생산 특성 연구 현황
유용미생물 및 대사산물의 항균능 분석
유용미생물을 활용한 식품 발효물의 항균능 분석
유용미생물을 대상으로 한 유전체 분석의 목적
항균 물질 생산이 가능한 유용미생물 대상 유전체 분석 연구의유형
결 론

영어 초록

This mini-review focused on the current advances in the development and the application of the antibacterial agents produced from probiotics strains against foodborne pathogens. Inhibitory activity of the pathogen growth could be achieved by co-culture with probiotics and/or the treatment of metabolites extracted from probiotics culture, whereas strain-dependent efficacy was mainly reported according to the bacterial species of the target pathogens. To overcome the limited antibacterial spectrum and the efficacy of the metabolites from probiotics, the recent research highlight the discovery of novel bioactive substances with broad range of the inhibitory activity of foodborne pathogens and mode-of-action which has not been reported as the major research goal. Moreover, understanding the distribution of functional and regulation genes coding the production of the antibacterial metabolites based on the bacterial genome analysis can provide the clues for the mechanisms of the pathogen control by using probiotics. Major strategies on the application of the genomics in this research area can be represented as follows: 1) functional annotation specialized for antimicrobial proteins, 2) assessment of the antibacterial effects followed by the general/functional annotation, 3) genome and metabolites analysis for the purification of antimicrobial proteins, 4) comparative genomics and the characterization of antimicrobial potential. Especially the relationship between phenotype-genotype based on genomic bioinformation with the results of the practical efficacy tests of bacterial metabolites as an active substance of disinfectants and/or preservatives can be expected to act as supportive research for broadening our knowledge regarding the key metabolic pathways associated with the production of antibacterials from probiotics.

참고 자료



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식중독균 제어를 위한 유용미생물의 항균물질 생산 및 유전체 특성 연구
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