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The Farewell to Mediation for the National Security in South Korea Reconsidered -The Agnonies in Pyongtaek city-

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
21페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,700원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 11권 / 1호
저자명 : Jin Ho Kim


Korea-US Military Relations in terms of theNational Security
The Farewell to Mediation in the National Security: Pyeongtaek as the Last Frontier
1. The Background
2. The Process
The Outcomes
The Issues:
Searching for the solution
Concluding remarks

영어 초록

Annual military exercise has been performed between the two countries, R.O.K and USA, ever since the formation of military alliances. Also, this drill has been relatively well done. But it has been shocking to the internal Korean society the annual military drill, the formal consensus between South Korea and United States, hindered by the a few NGOs for 50 minutes in march, 2006. And also, there has been doing another kind of civil war in peacetime among the local farmers, NGOs, the policemen and even the military for the land in Pyongtaek in three months. We, Koreans, are too much confused to be seen by these two cases. Quo va dis, Korean society? Let democracy work? How is to be done the national project under these circumstances? Right after the 6.29 'Democratization Declaration'(1987), the peoples of South Korea have been proud of accomplishing the democratization, in spite of the fact that there is no citizen revolution like the western countries, successively holding 1988 Summer Olympics. South Korea becomes the open society. In 1993, with the advent of the real civilian government, there has been suddenly roaring up the diverse groups of the eruptive participation in all respects of South Korea. In the meanwhile, there is one exceptional spheres not to open to the civil society. This may be the common phenomenon across the continent. There is really no more mediation to solve the military chaos in “young democracy in Asia.” In case of South Korea, there will be the destinations going for the democratic society. South Korea has been facing the turning points for the time-consuming national project on the construction of a nuclear dump made by a resident's referendum. One of South Korea's long-term tasks, which has been embroiled in conflict for the past 19 years, may find a solution through the first experiment, a resident's referenda. Although Aomori prefecture in Japan decided to host a nuclear waste interim storage facility, there is no referendum, or citizen's vote, in Mutsu city in the prefecture, where the facility will be constructed. What we try to do in this paper is to review the range, question, aftermath of the military intervention in citizen affairs. And this paper calls attention to the central problem as to the problem-solving methods for in the case of colliding with the contracting values, peace or security.

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The Farewell to Mediation for the National Security in South Korea Reconsidered -The Agnonies in Pyongtaek city-
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