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Kyong No Dang Model Research for the Elderly- Based on ERI CCAI Model, Whitney Center Model, PASSi Model and Chongsu Kyong No Dang

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17페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,100원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계섬학회 수록지정보 : World Environment and Island Studies / 12권 / 1호
저자명 : Im AeDuck, Ko Chang Hoon, Horim Kim, Hesung Chun Koh, Choi Im Ja


1. CCAI of East Rock Institute(ERI)
2. Whitney Center
3. Penn Asian Senior Services (PASSi)
4. Korean 경로당(Kyong-No-Dang) Model(KNDModel)

영어 초록

This study aims to restore the dignity of the elderly based on “filial piety” and community values in preparation for the 'silver tsunami' in Jeju by studying the case of Whitney Center in the United States, PASSi, Jeju's Isidol Nursing Home, and the haenyeo society. The main goal was to develop the Asian Jeong Nang model which was named by professor Koh Chang Hoon, Chair of Island Research Institute at Jeju National university. Jeong Nang(정낭) is the gateway with 3 wooden bars to the traditional residential space of Jeju where several generations live together. Dr. Hesung Chun Koh, Chair of East Rock Institute gave me motivation and support for the study of the elderly welfare model at the Jeju National University Island Research Institute. As the head of this study, I was dispatched from the Jeju National University Island Research Institute to the East Rock Institute (ERI). Dr. Hesung Chun Koh, M.D. Ann Datunashivili who is a practice professor at Medical School of Yale and in charge of Medical Center of Whitney Center. and Mike RambaRose who is Chief Executive Officer of Whitney Center, supported my research. In addition ImJa Choi, CEO of PASSi, also allowed two research students, Lee Seung Yong and Ko Yu Seok, from Jeju National University, to help my research related to psycho-social approach for the elderly at PASSi. This study was intended to develop a model for senior citizens in Korea through Hesung Chun Koh's ERI CCAI Model, Whitney Center's residential apartment model for retired seniors, and PASSi's community care model for the multi-cultural community.

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Kyong No Dang Model Research for the Elderly- Based on ERI CCAI Model, Whitney Center Model, PASSi Model and Chongsu Kyong No Dang
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