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14페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 대한중국학회 수록지정보 : 中國學 / 83권
저자명 : 刘晓明


1. 绪论
2. 高校美术教育所面临的问题
3. 高校美术教育革新的方向
1) 注重人文性,培养学生的人文情怀
2) 注重“大我”及“小我”的教学观,激发教学活力
3) 注重“大美术”观在当下美术教育中的应用
4) 注重“精品”观在美术教育中的作用
4. 高校美术教育观念革新的路径及思考
5. 结语

영어 초록

Under the educational background of The Times, the core thought of aesthetic education has played an indispensable part in the whole educational thought system, which is directly related to the level of the whole aesthetic level of the whole society, and even determines the aesthetic style of the whole nation. Thus it can be seen that the importance of fine arts education in colleges and universities is particularly important as the pyramid and wind vane of the popularization of aesthetic education, and now “aesthetic education” has received further attention and development. The most direct way to implement aesthetic education is “education”, which is actually the implementation and research of fine arts courses in colleges and universities, so as to cultivate comprehensive talents of fine arts majors in various stages. The course of aesthetic education in colleges and universities has gradually become one of the compulsory courses for the development of aesthetic education in colleges and universities. It is also a key art discipline for implementing quality education in colleges and universities. It plays an irreplaceable role in shaping the noble personality of college students and cultivating the aesthetic taste of art. At the same time, the idea of diversified art education has gradually pointed out a new direction for the innovation of college art education and provided more possibilities. In this regard, according to the necessity of the innovation of the concept of art education in colleges and universities, the problems existing in the current art education and teaching process in colleges and universities are carefully studied, and the correct direction of the current innovation of the concept of art education in colleges and universities is directly related to the direction and purpose of the path of the innovation of the idea of art education in colleges and universities is analyzed. Therefore, the innovation and thinking of college art concept plays a decisive role in college art education curriculum thought.

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