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The Feasibility of Kinesio Taping as a Self-Administered Bedside Training Method for Improving Laryngeal Excursion in Dysphagia: A Prospective Pilot Study

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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 국제물리치료학회 수록지정보 : Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research / 14권 / 2호
저자명 : Jihye Jang, Hyerin Oh, Minji Gwak, Eunhye Park, Dayoung Kim, Wansuk Choi, PT, Prof., PhD, Seoyoon Heo, OT, ATP, PhD


Study Design and Sequences

영어 초록

Background: Swallowing disorder is a common disease that can cause various complications such as malnutrition, dehydration, aspiration pneumonia, and poor quality of life, and can affect people of all ages, from infants to the elderly. Swallowing disorder rehabilitation is a complex process involving various skills such as exercise, diet modification, and posture adjustment. This study implements a rehab program for swallowing disorders using the Kinesio Tapping technique. Design: Prospective pilot case study. Objectives: To improve laryngeal detachment by providing external support to the muscles involved in swallowing using kinesio taping for conventional complex swallowing disorder rehabilitation. Methods: The study included 16 participants who were diagnosed with swallowing difficulties after a stroke and admitted to a rehabilitation ward in Ulsan. The average age of the participants, consisting of 9 males and 7 females, was 69.0 years (SD=1.23) and 64.0 years (SD=1.45), respectively. The stroke types were hemorrhagic and infarction, with onset periods ranging from 6 to 12 months (SD=1.11) in all participants. Each participant received a video fluoroscopy study (VFSS) for six months using the taping method developed by the research team. Kinesio taping techniques were developed by two professional physical therapists and one occupational therapist based on anatomical movements. Results: Significant differences were observed in self-training on the bed after the rehabilitation program compared to the initial period Kinesio taping can help improve laryngeal dislocation and reduce the risk of aspiration by providing external support to the muscles involved in swallowing. However, the effectiveness and optimal application techniques of kinesio taping in the rehabilitation of swallowing disorders are not yet clear. Conclusion: The results of this study could lead to the development of a new treatment protocol that incorporates kinesio taping as a standard therapy for the rehabilitation of swallowing disorders in bedridden patients.

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The Feasibility of Kinesio Taping as a Self-Administered Bedside Training Method for Improving Laryngeal Excursion in Dysphagia: A Prospective Pilot Study
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