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機張長安寺大雄殿의 造營記文과 建築形式에 관한 연구

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16페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 19권 / 2호
저자명 : 서치상


1. 머리말
2. 가람의 조영연혁
3. 대웅전의 건축현황
4. 墨書銘으로 본 공사 상황
4-1. 順治十三年記종도리 墨書銘
4-2. 乾隆八年記종도리 받침장혀墨書銘
4-3. 佛紀二千九百七十四年三月日記緣化秩
4-4. 佛紀二九七八年記緣化秩
5. 현존 건물의 건립연대와 공포의변개시점
5-1. 현존 건물의 건립연대
5-2. 중, 개수와 변개 가능성
5-3. 공포 부분의 변개 시점
5-4. 여타 사찰의 불전 공포와 비교
6. 맺는말

영어 초록

Jangan-sa is one of the Buddhist temples in the southeastern seaside district, which was restored directly after the termination of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. Recently we could find out 4 records on the constructions of Daeoong - jeon in J angan-sa. These are <J ondori - Mookseo-myeong> written in the 12th year of Emperor Soonchi , <Jondori - Bachim - janghyeo Mookseo - myeong> written in the 8th year of Emperor Geonryung, <Mookseo - myeong> written in 1947 Buddha Era and <Mookseo - myeong> written in 1951 Buddha Era. Until the revelation of these records, the present building has been considered to be built in 1657, the 8th year of King Hyojong, based upon Kim Bang - han's「Jangan - sa Daeoong - jeon - gi」. Because the gongpo of Daeoong - jeon was finished with the type of the late period of Chosun Dynasty, we doubt of the correction on it's building date, just in the year of 1657. Now we are able to examine the building date and the alteration date, based upon the actual measurement and constructional records of Daeoong - jeon. So to speak, the building destroyed in 1592, had been restored in 1658, the 9th year of King Hyojong and was reconstructed in 1744, the 20th year of King Youngjo. Afterward it was repaired on small scales in 1947 and in 1951. Though this building is considered to be lack of the completeness owing to the later alterations, it is still worthy heritage for the research on the building type at the directly after the termination of Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592.

참고 자료



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