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반인본주의적 역사연구와 프랑스 포스트모던 건축의 발생

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 4,300원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 22권 / 3호
저자명 : 이종우


1. 서 론
1-1. 연구의 배경
1-2. 기존연구의 상황과 연구의 목적
2. 건축적 위기에의 대응으로서의 반인본주의
2-1. 조물주적 건축가 비판
2-2. 반인본주의적 역사연구
2-3. 인문과학의 유입과 전복적 역사연구의 발전
3. 역사연구 분석
3-1. 건축가라는 의미 단위의 해체
3-2. 작품이라는 의미 단위의 해체
4. 반인본주의적 역사연구 이후의 전개 양상
4-1. ‘근원’으로부터의 해방과 도시 탐색
4-2. 상황종속적 건축가 : 반인본주의적 기획이만들어낸 또 다른 주체성
5. 결 론

영어 초록

This research takes as its object a body of historical researches by a new generation of French architects in the 1970s, who tried to confront the deep crisis in architecture since the years 1960. The research begins by noting that the ideology of the architect as an autonomous and transcendental subject, an ideology held by the architects of the previous generation, was a main target that young architects wanted to criticize and overcome. From this observation, the research focuses on a antihumanistic project which gave basis for a significant number of historical researches on modern architecture and was the result of a reappropriation of the French structuralism intensively developed in the human and social sciences of that time in France. After a series of textual analyzes, we argue that a new perspective on the city and the relationship of the latter with the architecture on the one hand, and the proposal for an "modest" architect as an alternative figure after rejection of the autonomous and transcendental one on the other hand, have been derived as the outcome of anti-humanist historiographic works. Finally, we assume that these historical adventure gave conceptual basis for postmodern architecture in France, freed from the modern myth of unity of author and that of work of art, but tinted by a moralism requesting modesty to architects.

참고 자료



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반인본주의적 역사연구와 프랑스 포스트모던 건축의 발생
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2024년 06월 01일 토요일
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