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한국 목조건축의 삼중량(三重樑) 가구(架構)에 관한 연구

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최종 저작일
20페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,500원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국건축역사학회 수록지정보 : 건축역사연구 / 17권 / 3호
저자명 : 양재영

영어 초록

The purpose of this study is to discover the characteristics and the change of the framed structure with triple beam. 61 existing buildings with the triple beam structure were selected and analyzed extensively. The result of this study could be described in detail like below. The triple beam structure is used in the highly graded and symbolized building like the Buddhist sanctum and the Confucian sanctum. And the triple beam structure was chiefly used in $1600{sim}1800's$. Generally, 1 Koju-type with Toikan(退間) is applied to the triple beam structure. Despite of the sameness of framed structure, there is a tendency that the rear Toikan(後退間) is used in the Buddhist sanctum and the front Toikan(前退間) is used in the Confucian sanctum. This different application of the Toikan(退間) resulted from the different spatial characteristics which reflect function and grade of the building. The application of Sangjungdori(上中道里, upper purlin) and two Danyeon(短椽, short rafter) is a necessary consequence, because Jungbo(중보, middle beam) is located between Daebo(대보, beam) and Jongbo(종보, small and high located beam) as an additional member of frame. And these are essential characteristics of the framed structure with triple beam. The triple beam structure is formed in a transitional period, as the result from eliminating the inner high-column from the 2 Koju and double beam structure. Though the Daebo is longer, the structure is more stable. But the rate of application of the triple beam structure is low, because it does not exceed the double beam structure in merits. Some of buildings with the triple beam structure has the asymmetrical characteristic in design, which is appeared in the latter period of Joseon Dynasty.

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한국 목조건축의 삼중량(三重樑) 가구(架構)에 관한 연구
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