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Development of Literature Database of Korean Ritual Studies and Intelligent Platform

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19페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
가격 5,400원 할인쿠폰받기

* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 세계한자학회 수록지정보 : 世界漢字硏究 / 4권 / 2호
저자명 : Shao-Lin ZHENG


I. Overview of Korean Ritual Studies Series
II. Design Structure of “Literature Database of Korean Ritual Studies”
III. Search Function of “Literature Database of Korean Ritual Studies”
IV. Prospect of Intelligent Platform Development

영어 초록

The Korean Ritual Studies Series is a compilation of the works about Korean ritual studies, which makes a great contribution to scholarship in this area. Relying on a number of major national programs in China and South Korea, digital collation and research the Korean Ritual Studies Series was made to create into a “literature database of Korean ritual studies” by cooperation between the Center for the Study and Application of Chinese Characters (CSACC) of East China Normal University (ECNU) which is a key research institute of humanities and social science approved by the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China, and the research institutions of Kyungsung University including the Center for the Study of Chinese Characters in Korea, the Research Society of Korean Ritual Studies and the Academy of Korean Studies. The basic framework of the database contains six sub-databases, which are fully correlated with each other according to relevant attributes. The database provides search capability, with three search functions, including catalog index, full-text retrieval and a word index. It is a major achievement of an international cooperation program supported by a multilevel international platform. It provides a large sustainable development space for the “literature database of Korean ritual studies”, which is an indispensable and important part of the “public database of Chinese characters” created by the Center for the Study and Application of Chinese Characters (CSACC) of East China Normal University (ECNU). The three key breakthroughs are needed for its further development: (I) Achieving the data association, comparative research and web publishing of Chinese and Korean ritual literature, establishing an Asian big data ritual research and application platform, supporting the research of Chinese and Korean ritual cultures, the communication history of ritual culture, the development history of Chinese characters and the research of many other disciplines, and meeting the multi-functional needs of ritual research, teaching and communication while completing a comprehensive digital connection of the internal resources of the database. (II) Deeply tapping into the massive Chinese character writing and memory data to create a 21st century database for written texts in the Sinosphere on the basis of digital processing and research of Korean ritual literature. (III) Realizing the multidimensional intelligent automatic recognition and interpretation of original literature written and memorized in Chinese characters such as ancient Chinese and Korean ritual literature, family mottoes and letters of noble families and great clans as well as folk handcopied books, and opening a new era of intelligent interpretation and research of the written texts in the Sinosphere through image recognition technology.

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Development of Literature Database of Korean Ritual Studies and Intelligent Platform
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