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A Study on the Organization and Procedures for Acquiring Power Support System and the Development of Collaborative System

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최종 저작일
8페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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* 본 문서는 배포용으로 복사 및 편집이 불가합니다.


발행기관 : 한국산업경영시스템학회 수록지정보 : 산업경영시스템학회지 / 46권 / 4호
저자명 : 추교준, 최명진


1. 서 론
2. 전력지원체계사업의 동향과 추세
2.1 전력지원체계 SWOT 분석
2.2 전력지원체계 획득방법의 다양화와 규모의확대
2.3 전력지원체계의 “복합․첨단화”, 우수상용품의확대
3. 전력지원체계 획득체계 문제점 인식
3.1 전력지원체계사업단 조직 분석
3.2 전력지원체계 획득절차 분석
3.3 전력지원체계 협업체계 분석
4. 전력지원체계 획득체계 발전방안
4.1 전력지원체계사업단 조직 재편성
4.2 전력지원체계 획득절차(획득방법) 개선
4.3 다자간 전력지원체계 협업체계 구축
5. 결 론

영어 초록

The 4th Industrial Revolution and the continuous development of Science and Technology have also required a speedy business promotion method in the defense industry. Advanced countries including the United States are already boldly innovating the existing high-cost and long-term acquisition system with the highest priority in weapons development to cope with the military rise of Russia and China. The Ministry of National Defense and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration have also recently introduced a quick acquisition system and are applying it to business promotion. In addition, some small-scale projects and weapons systems are being reorganized so that they can be managed by the units demanding them. After an organizational diagnosis of the Project Acquisition Group by the Ministry of National Defense in 2020, it has been reassigned as a subordinate unit of the Army Logistics Command from a direct unit managed by the Army HQ. As a result, problems such as work conflict or redundancy have been identified. In addition, a system has been implemented to shorten the acquisition period by applying a rapid acquisition program in the field of weapons systems by benchmarking the rapid acquisition program of advanced countries. The force support system project process will also need to introduce such a quick acquisition system. In addition, the Ministry of National Defense is considering ways to delegate some weapon systems to each military, which will then carry out tasks ranging from requirements determination to project management. Accordingly, it is now time to expand the organization for the management of the Army's weapons system acquisition project. Therefore, in this paper, the Army Project Acquisition Group was analyzed on its organization, acquisition procedures, and cooperation systems, with presentations of development plans for each field.

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A Study on the Organization and Procedures for Acquiring Power Support System and the Development of Collaborative System
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