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OB 리더십관련 리더의 특성 비교 (inha)

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OB 리더십관련 리더의 특성 비교


Review of the leadership typology(EXCERPT FROM TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER MATERIAL):

<Short introduction concerning Theories>

1. Behavioral Theory:

2. Situational Theories.

<Leadership styles>
1. Laissez-Faire leadership style (partly belongs to transactional leadership)
2. Transactional leadership style.
3. Transformational leadership style.

<Additional perspectives on Leadership>
1. The leader member Exchange(LMX) model of leadership

2. Servant-leadership.

Leader A and B :
Leader A
Leader B
Contrasting Leader A with Leader B
Why I think leader A more effective than leader B
My Own leadership:


Beginning the paper, I should mention that what traits helpful to manage people working at the same organization are. As we’ve looked over the chapter 16 on the book. We could learn what’s good and bad behaviors to possess influencing on morale of the followers and the quality of performance done by them. Here on the paper I come up with two different leaders I have experienced before: Leader A and Leader B.
Leader A represents the good leader that I respect, admire, and consider effective and Leader B vice versa.

Review of the leadership typology(EXCERPT FROM TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER MATERIAL):
Leadership is defined as a process in which an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.
 As the definition of leadership says it is not just a finalized goal but “ a process”. so it can lead to and affect the performances to be successful or failed depending on the person who is in the middle to interact with people whom he or she works with. Organizational success is not achieved by highly motivated each individual but requires effective leaders who fit situations, which ought to bring out collaboration of workers.

<Short introduction concerning Theories>
1. Trait and behavioral theories.
Trait Theory:
Personal characteristics that differentiate leaders from followers.
-stoggill’s and Manns finding
-Kouzs and posner’s Reasearch
-Goleman’s Reasearch on Emotional intelligence.
-Kellermn’s Reasearch: What traits are possessed by bad leaders?

참고 자료

Organizational behaviors
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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해피캠퍼스는 구매자와 판매자 모두가 만족하는 서비스가 되도록 노력하고 있으며, 아래의 4가지 자료환불 조건을 꼭 확인해주시기 바랍니다.

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