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David Copperfield 챕터 요약 전체요약 감상(영어)

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4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Oxford Bookworms Library : David Copperfield (stage 5)
영어로 챕터별요약 전체요약 감상문 입니다


◆ Summary ◆전체요약

Chapter.1 David Copperfield`s childhood
Chapter.2 David is sent away to school
Chapter.3 David the orphan
Chapter.4 David and his aunt
Chapter.5 David meets old friends again
Chapter.6 David falls in love
Chapter.7 Good news and bad news for David
Chapter.8 David`s new life
Chapter.9 David gets married
Chapter.10 Death and discovery

◆ Review ◆감상


◆ Summary ◆전체요약
The here, David Copperfield, of this book tells his whole life story. He David Copperfield lived happily with his mother and his nurse, Peggotty. His father died before he was born. So he grew under his step father, then his hard life started.

챕터별요약 중..
Chapter.4 David and his aunt

David met his aunt in a hard way then his aunt accepted to take care of him. His aunt suggested David went to boarding school.

Chapter.10 Death and discovery

One day Micawber who worked with Uriah exposed Uriah Heep`s swindle against Mr. Wickfield. Meanwhile, Dora was getting worse and died.

◆ Review ◆감상
In last semester, I took the class that was the Introduction to the British and American Literature, so I already knew about the author and story of “David Copperfield”.

참고 자료

Oxford Bookworms Library 5 : David Copperfield (stage 5)/감상문
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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