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Quadrature Hybrid Coupler

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
25페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


90도 하이브리드 커플러를 ADS로 설계, 제작한 과정에 대한 결과 발표 PPT자료입니다.


1. Definition of Coupling and Dividing
2. Branch-line Coupler
3. Design and Simulation result using ADS and IE3D
4. Measured result
5. Conclusion


Capacitance : the amount of electric charge stored (or separated) for a
given electric potential.
Z = R + jX
X = 1 / jwC : High frequency → High reactance → Low total Impedance
→ a larger amount of Signal (or power) delivered between
the two conductive plates
Coupling produced
by electric field occurs
between two transmission lines!
Coupling and Dividing
C = ε A / d (A: Area of plates, d: distance
of the two plates)
The amount of Coupling is
proportional to Length and
inversely proportional to Distance
The amount of Power or signal can be controlled by adjusting two components,
Distance and Length
Sampling and
Coupling and Dividing
Power Sampling : to Sample a little amount of power from incident power using coupling → Not affected to incident signal
Power Dividing : to Divide some amount of power into the other port.
Coupling can be used
depend on Purpose !
Quadrature Hybrid Coupler (Branch-line)
It is hard to control the dividing effect by
only controlling the distance of two
transmission lines

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Quadrature Hybrid Coupler
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