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한국정치세계 발표 자료

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


연세대학교 사회과학부 수업 발표 자료




2. The reason to choose this subject

3. The Yushin Constitution
- Definition
- context
- Influence of Yushin Constitution

4. Evaluation of President Park
- Background of President Park
- His achievement

5. International Relations
- 3 and 4 republic period
- Relation with North Korea and U. S. A

6. Pros and Cons of Yushin Constitution

7. Conclusion

8. Reference


The Korea has a time in dictatorship by President Park Jung hee. Actually, It has controversial issue. Among the people`s criticize.
Some of opinion`s, during president Park`s regime, Although Korea had developed a lot in Economic sector, Korea failed whole development, except economic sector, It was probably achieved to high improvement by anyone. As a result, Park Jung hee just got a opportunity during Korea`s outstanding developing time.
In the other hands, most of people said " It was inevitable to accomplish the Korea`s developing. At that time Korea`s political state was relatively low and democratic institution was also not mature. So president park had to express Charismatic leadership, which even may be evaluated dictatorship.
So let`s have a time to find out the President Park`s regime and Yusin period.

Why I choose this subject
There is nobody who evaluated as much as Park Jung Hee. And His issues are quite controversial. Even Though everybody called him as a dictator, his achievement was so remarkable. He proclaimed Yushin Constitution by himself, and he dominated as a permanent president. It was significant issue to rivision of constitution. However It might have also better point to develop Korea industry. So I consider more and more find out this subject.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인


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