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[컴퓨터공학]BIM Handbook Chapter5[5.3~끝] 요약

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최종 저작일
31페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


BIM handbook
Hoboken, N.J. :Wiley

Chapter5[5.3~끝]까지 요약입니다.
고생해서 힘들게 만든 자료입니다.


5.3.2 Building System Design and Analysis/Simulation
5.3.3 Construction-Level Building Models
5.3.4 Design-Construction Integration
5.3.5 Design Review
5.5 Considerations In Adoption for Design Practice
5.5.1 BIM Justification
5.5.2 Training and Deployment
5.5.3 Phased Utilization
5.6 New and Changed Staffing Within Design Firms
5.7 New Contractual Opportunities in Design


A sharable building model in a neutral format, such as VRML, IFC, DWF or Adobe3D, is easy to generate, compact for easy transmission, allows mark-ups and revisions, and enables collaboration via Web conferences.

Collaboration takes place minimally at two levels:
First among the parties involved, using web meeting and desktop displays like those described above.
The other level involves project information sharing

Once the building model’s system is ready for analysis and a data exchange format is available, a data exchange can be initiated.

A sharable building model in a neutral format, such as VRML, IFC, DWF or Adobe3D, is easy to generate, compact for easy transmission, allows mark-ups and revisions, and enables collaboration via Web conferences.

Collaboration takes place minimally at two levels:
First among the parties involved, using web meeting and desktop displays like those described above.
The other level involves project information sharing

Once the building model’s system is ready for analysis and a data exchange format is available, a data exchange can be initiated.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[컴퓨터공학]BIM Handbook Chapter5[5.3~끝] 요약
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