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[컴퓨터공학]BIM Handbook Chapter5&9.2 요약

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35페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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BIM handbook
Hoboken, N.J. :Wiley

Chapter5&9.2(Case Study)까지 요약입니다.
고생해서 힘들게 만든 자료입니다.


5.4 Building Element Models and Libraries
5.4.1 Object Libraries
5.4.2 Portals
5.4.3 Desktop/LAN Libraries

9.2 United States Coast Guard BIM Implementation
9.2.1 Introduction
9.2.2 BIM for Facility Assessment Planning
9.2.3 BIM for Scenario Planning
9.2.4 OCCSU System
9.2.5 Conclusions and Lessons Learned


BIM involves the definition of a building as a composed set of objects. BIM design tools provide different pre-defined libraries of fixed geometry and parametric objects.

On top of this, visual aspects are added on top.

As the design is developed, it becomes more specific targets such as sound, energy, and cost, etc.

Outlines for technical and performance is specified to fulfill what is finally then constructed for the overall product to be achieved.

In the past, different models were hand-built but now is made possible to define the objects and use them for multiple purposes.

The challenge though is to ultimately develop the right defining objects for each different sets of use which should be made as an easy to use, user friendly set.

The later stage involves for different ranges from early sets to final object. This is one of the more important stages.

Throughout these processes, it goes through a stage of transformation to fit each object sets to support analyses, simulation and even cost estimation.

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판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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