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Summary of American Roots

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Summary of American Roots


- Colonial America
- John Peter Zenger : Pioneer of the free press
- Documents that shaped the United States
- Benjamin Franklin
- Thanksgiving

Chapter 2. A Growing Nation : The Early 1800s
- The adventures of Lewis and Clark
- How factories changed the United States
- The trail of tears
- Cotton is king
- Transcendentalism : A new view
- The Erie canal

Chapter 3. A Divided Nation : The Mid-1800s
- Levi`s gold
- Urbanization : The growth of cities
- The Underground Railroad
- Clara Barton : "The angel of the battlefield"
- Frederick Douglass

Chapter 4. Industrialization and the Final Frontier : The Late 1800s
- The transcontinental railroad : Linking east to west
- women on the Lone prairie
- Walking the White road
- Identity crisis
- Mary Cassatt


- Colonial America
․ The first successful British colony was founded in 1607. During the next 125 years, Britain established twelve more colonies along the east coast of North America. Life in the thirteen British colonies differed from region to region. In the New England and Middle Atlantic colonies, the economy was based on small businesses, trade, and small farms. In contrast, the southern colonies developed a plantation economy that was dependent on slavery. In this article, you will read about some of the problems and successes of the early British colonists.

․ English people came to America because land in the colonies was cheap, and the soil was fertile. But the greatest danger farming communities faced was epidemics of disease such as smallpox and yellow fever. And Free adult men were allowed to participate in the democratic process in the colonies.

- John Peter Zenger : Pioneer of the free press
․ John Peter Zenger was New York Weekly Journal`s Publisher, was arrested for libeling the governor. His court case was an important victory for freedom of the press. First, it showed that while people can be punished ofr livel, they cannot be punished for telling or printing the truth. Second, it marked a big step toward freedom of the press in America.

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